Although it is often a taboo subject, the swingers, like the Meigas, to have it, there is it. In fact, each year the number of hotel establishments, organized packages, and trips destined for the so-called swingers and it is a niche market that moves close to 20 million dollars.
The people who practice the exchange of couples usually keep in a discreet plane and the same happens with the premises destined to this public. Discretion and respect are its highest values in a practice that many consider a lifestyle.
But what leads a couple to consider exchanging a partner? There are both positive and negative triggers. The negatives include routine or the covert desire to end the relationship, while the positives include curiosity, imagination, or desire to reinvent the relationship.
New technologies have made contact between people interested in exchanging couples easier and there are mobile applications to connect couples seeking exchanges. Nevertheless, the most common is to do it in specialized stores to those who also go singles in search of sexual experiences in a respectful environment. These are usually establishments with clear rules and suggestive facilities where theme parties are common.
In general, the premises can be differentiated into “on-premise” or internal, where sexual activity can be practiced inside or “off-premise” or external where it is not allowed due to what is known in them to other people with the same concerns while the meetings are arranged in other places. In these establishments with saunas, toilet areas and spaces for fun, you can exchange your partner, include a third person in the couple or continue alone with your partner allowing others to watch.
Mutual trust in the couple is essential so that the exchange of couples does not cause problems such as jealousy or a breakup and, of course, it is usually preceded by a previous conversation in which the couple puts the exchange limits from full freedom and respect for the other. It is about sharing fantasies with other people and enjoying sexuality from freedom and safety.
Advantages of partner exchange
- Say goodbye to routine
- Promotes trust in the partner
- Improve transparency and communication
- Awaken the desire
What does this practice include?
Partner change activities can be of different types:
– Observe how another couple interacts sexually
– Being watched while having sex
– Participate in group sessions
– “Soft Swing”: Kisses, caresses or oral sex with a third person
– «Full Swap»: Having complete relationships with sexual penetration with a person other than the partner.