Sex life during pregnancy: unbreakable rules
Once upon a time, it was believed that it was sinful and indecent for a woman to enjoy sex. The girls believed in this and lived a rather meager life in an emotional sense. Their husbands quickly enslaved many children, and they did not see the white light. Now the dark times are over, and the sex life during pregnancy is of interest to a huge number of the fair sex.
Is sex life safe during pregnancy?
Sexual life during pregnancy: psychophysiological factors
The question is, how to have a sex life during pregnancy and not take into account the psychological and physiological factors characteristic of a woman’s position? That’s right, no way, so let’s briefly describe the main problems:
1. Hormonal surges and sexual arousal. Sexual life suffers because a woman becomes unpredictable and hormonal unstable, which affects her mood. To prevent intimate life from suffering, you need to practice constant conversations and conversations on this topic. In no case should you swear and shout at your wife, because she does not belong to herself during this period.
2. Sex can lose quality, as a woman is squeezed, thinking about the child, his comfort and health. The usefulness and harm of female orgasms during pregnancy are highly individual, and it is better to consult a doctor.
3. Nausea, fatigue are not conducive to sexual games. If there was an old schedule of marital relations, then it should be abandoned and a new one should be drawn up together. Most likely, it will be floating and will depend on the sexual desire and physical condition of the woman.
4. The girl is ashamed of her body, and the previous positions are uncomfortable. Here the man acts as a psychologist and shows his wife that his sexual desire does not suffer in any way from the changes in her body. Conversations, conversations and more conversations will help out any couple.
Based on these points, it should be said that it is possible to have sex during pregnancy, but carefully, strictly following the doctor’s instructions.
Contraindications and abstinence
The human being is unique. Therefore, talking about contraindications in general is stupid. But there are three inviolable and unbreakable rules that everyone should follow:
1. Permission to have sex is given by a doctor.
2. A detailed discussion with the doctor of all embarrassing moments in a physical or psychological sense.
3. Attentive attitude to your feelings. With minimal discomfort during intercourse, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. Negligence is unacceptable here.