Seven minutes of meditation to get out of destructive self-demand

Seven minutes of meditation to get out of destructive self-demand

Guided Meditation

The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, invites in this guided meditation session to hug ourselves and stop criticizing ourselves as if we were our worst enemy

Seven minutes of meditation to get out of destructive self-demandPM7:07

How many times have we caught ourselves using a inner voice somewhat destructive. We criticize or demand ourselves speaking in a tone of hardness that we probably wouldn’t use with a good friend, yet we don’t hesitate to do it with ourselves. In our effort to improve, we talk badly and treat each other harshly. However, we can continue to grow, advance and learn if we serve each other with kindness.

And for that, I have prepared this guided meditation. A meditation to learn turn the destructive demand into a motivational demand for continuing to learn and achieving new challenges. Persist in our goals by being our best allies and not our fierce enemies.

Happy meditation.

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