Separated parents: 9 organizational tips that make life easier

For separated parents, good organization is essential, in the interests of the child first, but also to lighten the logistics, which can sometimes be a bit cumbersome. In order not to experience an organizational burnout every Monday morning, you have to anticipate problems and solutions. 

The peaceful relationship

This is the prerequisite for all tips: overcome the conflicts of the past to be able to speak calmly and respect each other. Without a peaceful relationship between the parents, an organization, even a well-established one, will remain strained for everyone. It is flexibility and good intelligence that you need to be successful in living apart with the same children.


The magic notebook

Therein all important information on the child in transit: lice at the end of treatment, multiplication tables to review, need for rain boots for this weekend, severe fatigue at the moment, etc. So both parents are always up to date. It is a kind of daily notebook!


The treasure bag

It contains all the things that your children do not have in duplicate and which are by definition difficult to find on the market and nevertheless essential to their well-being. Examples: health book, blankie, fetish toy, pocket of drawings in progress, lucky charms, photos … In addition to its practicality, it gives the little ones a sort of reference, since they have this bag at dad and at mom.


Think about apps!

A multitude of free or almost free apps have emerged to simplify the daily life of separated parents. Their content is not revolutionary, but brings a playful side to everyone’s organization: Easy2Family, FamilyFacility, 2houses, For Kids First, Kidganizer, Mum & Dad, Myfamilylink …


The common calendar

It might be hard to imagine that your ex will have access to your schedule, but on the other hand, it is very convenient that you have access to his… So make the effort to share this document and of fill it in with your work schedules, activities, appointments, school meetings… Nothing obviously prevents you from remaining discreet about the nature of certain events. A tool that will prove to be invaluable in refining vacation dates with children.


The double wardrobe

It is impossible to have everything in duplicate, especially for small children who grow very quickly, but you can make sure that have duplicates or approximates for some basics. For example: slippers, dressing gown, jogging, gloves, hat, cap … This allows you not to spend your time looking for them at your ex (with your duplicate keys …).


Double the keys

Once again, this tip is for couples who are past the urge to openly hate each other. Ideally, the father / mother of your children should be able to come to your home to pick up a down jacket or leave a forgotten notebook (especially if it’s the magic!). Admit that this is quite logical. If the idea bothers you, do you think double the keys belongs to your children.


Parents offers you 7 organizational tips that make life easier for separated parents

In video: 7 organizational tips that simplify the life of separated parents

Personal identifiers for administrative procedures

Instead of taking it upon yourself, or delegating responsibility for all administrative procedures (registration for sport, payment for the canteen, ordering of clothes, etc.), decide to have each of the identifiers to connect to the various accounts / services concerning your children. So everyone will take the mental burden of losing their passwords …

To discover in video: On alternate custody, and transferred abroad

In video: On alternate custody, and transferred abroad

Important meetings together

A consultation with a specialist doctor, a summons to the mistress, an end-of-year show? If you can two of you to these events, do it. It is ideal for the child, but also for parents who do not miss important information and very important moments in life. This will also help you to succeed in making major decisions together (choice of activities, orientation, etc.)

Do you want to talk about it between parents? To give your opinion, to bring your testimony? We meet on 

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