There are several thousand varieties of crabs that differ in size and appearance. The weight of the crab can reach 9kg. The meat eaten is found in the front claws and legs. Selling crab …
There are over two hundred species of squid. It is recommended to buy squid frozen or chilled. This product belongs to perishable varieties, therefore, without preliminary refrigeration, it is not sold and …
Shrimp can be marine and freshwater, and there are more than two thousand species of them. These seafood differ mainly in size. The palatability of different varieties of shrimp does not change too much. To choose…
Oysters are a type of shellfish that can be eaten raw or cooked. Oysters can differ in size, shell color and shape. Buying these shellfish is a process that involves …
Seaweed is eaten as an independent dish and becomes an additional ingredient for numerous dishes and snacks. The leaves are pickled, dried or canned. One of the distinctive features of the sea …
There are many varieties of octopuses in nature. Some of them are poisonous and not eaten. Only representatives of safe species with edible meat come to store shelves….
Mussels can be sold in different forms. Most often, these seafood is sold frozen, but sometimes you can also see live shellfish on sale. The shape of different types of mussels is not too …