Selection of makeup by color type: video tips

Selection of makeup by color type: video tips

The girl’s appearance is her main weapon. Fashionable clothes, smart accessories, hairstyle and make-up are created to highlight the main advantages. However, with the latter, some beauties often do not guess. But the style begins with the correct make-up.

Selection of makeup by color type

How to choose the right makeup: the basics

Make-up selection should start with defining the basic color scheme. She plays a decisive role in creating a harmonious, effective, but not vulgar image. The correct shades will highlight your dignity, accentuate the shade of your eyes, and form a perfect oval.

Makeup for a summer color type is characterized by natural deep shades. These girls have light curls, grayish / olive skin.

Ideal eyeshadow option: smoky gray / blue, pinkish, purple

“Winter” girls are distinguished by dark eyes, swarthy skin. Most often, this color type is found in southern and eastern countries.

Beauties should choose cool makeup:

  • black eyeliner
  • bright combinations
  • blue, gray pearlescent shadows
  • red lipstick

The autumn color type is bright. These are red or golden beauties with fairly fair skin. The ideal makeup colors are ocher, brown, gold, bronze. The spring girl has radiant skin, wheat / light brown hair. This color type should take a closer look at emerald, green, peach tones in makeup. You should not use tonalities with a dense texture as a basis.

Color type is the main way to determine the main color directions in makeup, which you should adhere to. Passing a special test or consultation with a specialist will help you most accurately to find yours.

Choose the right makeup for your look

correct makeup means not only matching your color type or hair shade, but also its competent combination with the chosen image. You can often find girls who seem to spoil their appearance on purpose, using Halloween techniques and shades in their everyday make-up.

If you’re going out on a date, pay more attention to your eyes than your lips.

Expressive eyes attract young people, and the absence of a thick layer of lipstick or a sticky gloss will allow them to kiss you without fear. However, don’t overdo it. Use basic enticing techniques: highlight the inner corners of the eyes with glitter, adjust the eyebrows, apply volumizing mascara and glue a few false tufts in the outer corners.

For an evening out, it is better to choose a classic or bright makeup. To create the first, your skin must be in perfect condition. Cover the eyes with light monochromatic shadows, on top of which draw beautiful arrows. Choose a luscious lipstick in scarlet tones. The famous smoky eyes belong to the modern bright makeup. Today they can be made both in the classic black shade and in bright colors: blue, emerald, purple.

When choosing makeup for any occasion, remember about harmony. The colors should complement each other to form your stylish look. The best option is to use no more than three to four shades at a time.

The perfect makeup for a day off would be nude. Use the most suitable matte shades: beige, pinkish, golden. This make-up is ideal for girls who choose natural shades of hair dye or have unpainted curls. But for bright, shocking beauties it is better to adhere to the chosen image: “natural” make-up will make your appearance inharmonious.

It is also interesting to read: how to make curls at home?

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