Sean Saranthos workout program
Sean’s body doesn’t always agree with him about his workout schedule, so he adjusts his regimen to how his body feels every day. It may not be as easy for you as it is for this fitness professional. He uses a seven-day split in his workouts, but doesn’t always stick to it every day.
He works out two muscle groups a day. He usually does heavy basic exercises at the beginning of the week, and isolated at the end. He likes to give his muscles at least 48-72 hours of rest between training days.
If you have an injury, make sure you don’t strain the damaged area too much. But you shouldn’t overextend healthy parts of your body either. There is a very delicate balance here when trying to develop a lagging muscle group without harming your overall physical condition.
Sean used to compete in marathons and triathlon, but his cardio activities today boil down to occasional running on weekends and swimming.
Sean says: “The hardest step for any person is the first step into the gym, the journey to a better life. And in the beginning you will have to fail, maybe even earn a few abrasions. “