General description of the disease
The common people call scrofula exudative diathesis or scrofula[3].
This pathology is predominantly affected by children, but sometimes adults are exposed to this disease. Some dermatologists consider scrofula to be a form of diathesis, but it is believed that scrofula is one of the manifestations of tuberculous skin lesions.
Scrofula manifests itself in the form of a rash on the skin. This pathology also signals the reduced protective functions of the body. The disease often affects people with low body weight and living in poor living conditions. Some experts associate this pathology with metabolic disorders and blood diseases.
Causes of scrofula
The development of scrofula is provoked by various types of mycobacteria, including tubercle bacillus. This disease can have different clinical forms and affect the lymph nodes, bones and joints. But most often scrofula affects the skin. There are many hypotheses about the causes of this pathology:
- unsanitary living conditions;
- prolonged absence of a shower;
- excessive consumption of sweets;
- hypovitaminosis;
- genetic predisposition;
- side effects when taking medications;
- reaction to certain foods;
- mycobacterium tuberculosis;
- bad habits;
- poor nutrition.
Scrofula is usually a banal reaction to sweat, dust, or food; this is one of the manifestations of atopic dermatitis.
Scrofula symptoms
The first signs of the disease appear in the form of peeling, itching, usually on the scalp. Pathology in the form of exudative diathesis can manifest itself even in newborns, reaching its peak closer to 1 year. In infants with this form of scrofula, lymph nodes may be enlarged, there may be swelling, such children are too phlegmatic or, on the contrary, irritable.
As a rule, in the period from autumn to spring, an exacerbation begins and the following appear on the skin:
- hives;
- diaper rash;
- eczema;
- milk crust in the area of the eyebrows and scalp.
Scrofula as a form of scrofula manifests itself as:
- 1 fevers;
- 2 enlarged lymph nodes;
3 rapid weight loss; - 4 heavy sweating;
- 5 redness of the eyes;
- 6 small yellowish nodules in the skin;
- 7 general malaise;
- 8 inflammation of the mucous membranes;
- 9 coryza with purulent discharge;
- 10 discharge from the ears;
- 11 hearing impairment;
- 12 digestive disorders.
In some cases, in adults, golden crusts may appear behind the ears and on the scalp and face, while patients are worried about severe itching, and when scratching, a moist pinkish surface appears under the crust.
Complications of scrofula
With incorrect or untimely therapy in patients, golden crusts begin to spread rapidly and affect the cheeks, nose, forehead, neck and other parts of the body. The crusts begin to crack, causing severe pain.
Complications can also be manifested by purulent inflammation of the middle and outer ear and hearing loss. Possible complications of this disease include pronounced scarring and pain in the neck.
Scrofula can complicate the course of other pathologies, increasing the propensity of patients to bronchitis, rhinitis, inflammation of the adenoids. Secondary bacterial infection of the skin is also possible, which requires antibiotic therapy.
Prevention of scrofula
Scrofula is not transmitted by airborne droplets or by contact with a patient. In order to prevent the development of this pathology, it is necessary to wash regularly, live in normal living conditions and eat in a balanced way.
It is quite simple to prevent scrofula in children, it is enough to adhere to the following preventive measures:
periodically ventilate the nursery;
make sure that the baby’s room is clean;
walk with your child on the street daily;
breastfeeding the baby for as long as possible;
restriction in high-calorie foods;
do not include muffins and sweets in the diet of small children;
in the autumn-winter period, give the baby vitamins;
visit a pediatrician regularly;
follow the rules of personal hygiene;
you can not wrap up the child and allow him to sweat;
when breastfeeding, the mother must monitor her diet.
Scrofula treatment in official medicine
Scrofula of a scrofulous nature is treated with anti-tuberculosis drugs for a long time, at least a year. In some cases, diathermocoagulation, radiotherapy and surgery may be necessary. During remission, patients are shown spa therapy.
Scrofula in the form of atopic dermatitis requires a different treatment regimen:
- 1 first you need to identify the allergen and eliminate it;
- 2 during an exacerbation, patients are shown local steroids;
- 3 the use of immunosuppressive drugs;
- 4 it is recommended to use ointments and products that prevent skin moisture loss;
- 5 to eliminate itching, patients are prescribed antihistamines and antipruritic agents.
During the treatment of scrofula, you should temporarily abandon:
- taking hot baths;
- intense physical activity;
- emotional stress;the use of detergents that can cause dry skin;
- long bathing;
- wearing fleece and wool clothing that irritate the skin.
Useful foods for scrofula
If there is a genetic disposition to scrofula, then the diet of babies should consist of the following foods that reduce the allergy of the body:
1 as many first courses as possible, to which you can add sorrel and nettle;
2 strawberries or compotes with this berry;
3 chicory-based coffee drink;
4 oatmeal;
5 tea from black currant leaves;
6 of sweets, you can give marshmallow and marshmallow;
7 freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices;
8 natural milk;
9 still water;
10 cornbreads;
11 Birch juice;
12 dried fruits compote;
13 it is advisable to drink carrot juice on an empty stomach;
14 green salad;
15 rosehip infusion.
Traditional medicine for scrofula
The presented pathology was common many years ago and our grandmothers successfully treated it with folk remedies:
salt baths in the proportion of 200 g of salt per 6 liters of water will be a real salvation from crusts and constant itching;
effectively treat the ailment of the bath with a decoction of black currant leaves and nettle;
2 kg of dried pine needles are steamed in 100 liters of water and take a bath;
take an infusion of mint and wipe the affected skin with it;
12 cups of chopped cabbage is steamed with 200 ml of milk, 1 tablespoon of bran is added. The resulting gruel is applied to the crusts twice a day;
apply to the affected areas of the skin several times a day a piece of gauze soaked in an infusion of calamus or oak bark;
Melt 500 g of lamb fat, add flax oil and chopped charcoal. Treat the crusts with the resulting ointment [1];
apply crushed verbena root to areas affected by scrofula;
a good result in the treatment of scrofula can be achieved using the leaves of medicinal verbena. They are fixed on the affected areas for several hours;
treat the wounds with freshly squeezed cocklebur juice;
an antiseptic, analgesic and sedative effect is provided by baths based on a decoction of chamomile;
baths with the addition of walnut leaves;
eat several rowan berries daily;
in order to avoid the formation of cracks, it is necessary to lubricate the crusts with oil;
drink a decoction of calendula flowers like tea;
compresses and lotions from medicinal lungwort [2];
well removes peeling decoction from dyeing gorse;
in case of ear damage, turundas with lavender tincture will help.
Dangerous and harmful foods for scrofula
In the course of treatment, it is necessary first of all to exclude heavy food, which slows down the gastrointestinal tract and allergenic foods, such as:
- citrus;
- cocoa and chocolate;
- fast food;
- smoked products;
- sweets;
- dairy;
- animal fats;
- mushrooms;
- honey;
- nuts;
- store-bought yoghurts with artificial fillers;
- seafood;
- sausages.
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