
General description of the disease


Sclerosis is the medical term for tissue hardening that results from an overgrowth of connective tissue as a result of previous inflammation or due to aging.

Types of sclerosis:

  • Lateral amyotrophic – provokes muscle paralysis;
  • Scattered – characterized by damage to the nervous system, as a result of which impulses do not enter the brain and spinal cord;
  • Atherosclerosis – characterized by the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the vessels;
  • Cardiosclerosis – affects the valves and muscles of the heart;
  • Pneumosclerosis – affects the lung tissue, reducing blood oxygenation;
  • Sclerosis of the brain and spinal cord – characterized by the death of nerve cells and leads to paralysis or mental disorders (dementia);
  • Nephrosclerosis – kidney sclerosis. He is deadly;
  • Liver sclerosis, or cirrhosis;
  • “Senile” is a concept that denotes memory impairment in people of age. However, in fact, this is atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain.

The causes of sclerosis

  1. 1 Chronic inflammatory processes (tuberculosis, syphilis);
  2. 2 Hormonal and endocrine disruptions;
  3. 3 Metabolic disorders;

The appearance of atherosclerosis is caused by:

  • Vegetative disorders;
  • stress;
  • Smoking;
  • Incorrect food.

The exact causes of multiple sclerosis have not yet been identified, but scientists believe that these are genetic and external (environment) factors, as well as viral diseases and malfunctions in the immune system, as a result of which it attacks the cells of its body.

Symptoms of sclerosis:

  1. 1 Motor weakness and lack of coordination;
  2. 2 Sensitivity disorders – numbness or tingling in the hands;
  3. 3 Visual impairment;
  4. 4 Fast fatiguability;
  5. 5 Sexual dysfunction;
  6. 6 Dysfunction of the bladder and intestines;
  7. 7 Speech Disorders.

Useful foods for sclerosis

The main recommendations for nutrition in the treatment of sclerosis are given by the doctor, but in general they all boil down to adjusting their diet so that the patient receives the maximum amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In this case, it is necessary to eat not only correctly, but also in moderation, since some foods in moderation are beneficial, and their excessive use negatively affects the patient’s health, especially if they reach 40 years of age.

  • It is very important during this period to consume as many fruits and vegetables as possible raw, baked or steamed, as they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • A balanced diet implies the mandatory enrichment of the body with protein, which can be obtained by eating fish, meat (it is better to choose low-fat types and consume them no more than 3-4 times a week), milk, eggs, legumes (peas, beans), barley, rice, buckwheat , millet.
  • When choosing foods that contain carbohydrates, it is better to reduce the amount of sugar, while giving preference to foods made from wholemeal flour, oatmeal and bran.
  • When treating sclerosis, doctors recommend the use of antioxidants in order to increase the body’s defenses and its resistance to infections. Among vitamins, vitamin A has antioxidant properties. It is found in broccoli, carrots, apricots, pumpkin, spinach, parsley, fish oil, liver, egg yolks, seaweed, seaweed, cottage cheese, sweet potatoes and cream.
  • Another powerful antioxidant is vitamin E, which can be supplied to the body by consuming spinach, broccoli, various types of nuts, sea buckthorn, rose hips, dried apricots, prunes, cucumbers, carrots, onions, radishes, sorrel, squid meat, salmon, oatmeal, wheat , barley grits. In addition, vitamin E helps to normalize sexual function in men, and also supports the work of the heart in case of damage to the heart vessels.
  • It is useful to eat legumes, corn, chicken, liver, cream, sea buckthorn, strawberries, barley and oatmeal due to their vitamin H content, as it supports the immune system and the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • It is useful to eat unrefined vegetable oils (first pressing), especially olive and flaxseed, as they contain amino acids that help restore the areas of the brain affected by multiple sclerosis.
  • It is important to remember that some drugs used to treat multiple sclerosis, such as prednisone, remove calcium and potassium from the body, so you need to replenish your stores by eating foods rich in these minerals. Sources of potassium include baked potatoes, dried fruits, bananas, legumes, nuts, and lentils. Sources of calcium – dairy products, fish, barley, legumes, oatmeal, nuts.
  • To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, B vitamins are needed, the sources of which are cereals, whole grain cereals, grain bread, meat. In addition, they contain magnesium, which prevents pressure build-up.
  • During this period, it is necessary to consume foods with vitamin C, which not only strengthens the immune system, but also the walls of blood vessels. Sources of this vitamin are black currants, citrus fruits, bell peppers, rose hips, sea buckthorn, kiwi, broccoli and cauliflower, strawberries and mountain ash.

Folk remedies for the treatment of sclerosis

  1. 1 One of the most effective remedies for atherosclerosis is a mixture of 1 tbsp. onion juice and 1 tbsp. candied honey heated in a water bath. It must be consumed in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day one hour before meals.
  2. 2 One of the easiest ways to treat sclerosis in old age is to consume well-dried sunflower seeds (not roasted!) Daily. You need to consume 200 g of seeds per day. Experts say that the result will be noticeable within 7 days.
  3. 3 Also, in the treatment of sclerosis, the use of semi-ripe gooseberries, plucked along with dry tails, helps, as they are rich in substances that lower blood cholesterol levels. Only 1 tbsp helps. l. berries a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  4. 4 Instead of raw gooseberries, you can brew tea from the leaves of this plant and drink it three times a day.
  5. 5 With sclerosis, a medicine made from mummy also helps. To do this, mix 5 g of mummy with 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Take the resulting mixture for 1 tsp. three times a day before meals. Store it in the refrigerator.
  6. 6 With senile sclerosis, you can use an infusion of May nettle. To prepare it, you need to take 200 g of grass and pour 0.5 l of strong vodka into it. On the first day, the infusion must be kept on a window on the sunny side, and then hidden for 8 days in a dark place. The resulting product must be filtered, squeezing out the nettle well, and then drink 1 tsp. twice a day, half an hour before meals until it ends.
  7. 7 With multiple sclerosis, an infusion of acacia flowers helps. To prepare it, take a bottle with acacia flowers and, filling it to the top with kerosene, close the lid tightly and put it in a dark place for 10 days. Before using the infusion, vegetable oil is applied to the legs, and then rubbed with the infusion itself, after which the legs are kept warm. It is necessary to apply this remedy until complete recovery.

Dangerous and harmful foods for sclerosis

  • Elderly people need to limit the consumption of foods that contain cholesterol, namely: fatty meat and fish, caviar, eggs (they can be consumed in moderation), chocolate, cocoa and black tea.
  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets, sweets and sugar, as this leads to the development of obesity, and also saturates the body with fats that are not beneficial for it, but require its strength to process them.
  • It is important to avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Also, do not overuse baked goods, as they contain trans fats.
  • In addition, during this period, it is better to refuse caffeinated drinks (coffee, Coca-Cola), as they flush calcium from the bones.



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