Scientists: high heels lower the chances of conception

It turns out that a favorite pair of stiletto heels can be an obstacle to maternal happiness.

By researching fertility issues, doctors are testing theories that may even seem crazy. But they managed to find out that the reasons for the inability to conceive can be not only in the body, but also in the head – the so-called psychological or stressful infertility. The likelihood of conception is influenced by our diet, and the daily routine, and weight, and health status, and, of course, age. And now another factor has been added – heels.

If you are trying to conceive, it is better to refuse such shoes.

The experts said that high-heeled shoes and even stable heels simply kill female fertility. And all because such shoes are not physiological. In trying to appear taller, we shift our center of gravity. And this is fraught not only with increased chances of tripping and falling. The heels force us to unnaturally lean forward – it turns out that the main pressure transferred from the heel falls on the toe of the foot, and our body tries to compensate for this by tilting the pelvic region forward.

“In this position, the organs in the abdominal cavity are compressed,” explains David Moy, one of the study participants. “This can lead to irregularities in the menstrual cycle, make it more painful, and most importantly, reduce fertility.”

However, lovers of walking in high heels still have a place to roam. Experts rejected only those shoes where the heel is higher than 8 centimeters. In this case, orthopedists, recall, advise to limit yourself to 5 centimeters. Well, with the current fashion for sneakers and sneakers, which allows you to wear the most comfortable shoes even with jeans, even with airy dresses, there is nothing to be upset about.

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