Researchers at Oxford University have followed the lives of nearly half a million middle-aged British people for eight years. Scientists analyzed their diet and medical history, drawing conclusions about the developing diseases. It turned out that 23 thousand out of 475 thousand were diagnosed with cancer. All these people had one thing in common: they often ate chicken.
“Consumption of poultry was positively associated with the risk of developing malignant melanoma, prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,” the study said.
What exactly triggers the disease – the frequency of use, the method of cooking, or maybe chicken contains some kind of carcinogen, is not yet clear. Scientists talk about the need to continue research. In the meantime, it is advised to eat chicken meat without fanaticism and cook it in exceptionally healthy ways: bake, grill or steam, but in no case not fry.
At the same time, it’s not worth demonizing chicken. An earlier study published in the US earlier this year found that women who ditched red meat in favor of poultry were 28% less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer.
However, there is a whole list of products that have already been proven: they really increase the risk of cancer. You can get acquainted with it at the link.