Sauerkraut recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Ingredients Sauerkraut

White cabbage 10000.0 (gram)
apples 1000.0 (gram)
carrot 750.0 (gram)
table salt 200.0 (gram)
Cranberries 100.0 (gram)
Lingonberry 50.0 (gram)
Method of preparation

Before pickling, free cabbage from defective and green leaves, chop it into long, beautiful, noodle-like pieces. Cut the carrots into long slices or slices. Apples can be used whole or cut into slices. Mix prepared cabbage, carrots and apples with cranberries or lingonberries, sprinkle with salt and place in a tub or other dish, well washed and scalded with boiling water. Tamp tightly. Put a wooden circle on top of the cabbage and press it down with oppression. Cover the tub with a clean cloth. How bending can be used with stones. Best of all boulders weighing 5-6 kg. Before salting the cabbage, the stones must be thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water on all sides and dried in the sun. Cover the cabbage tamped in a tub with gauze, put wooden planks on it, repeating the open surface of the salted cabbage (mugs) and press down on top of everything with oppression.At the initial stage, to remove gases, when juice is released, gas formation, cabbage must be pierced several times with a clean sharp stick. Otherwise, it will taste bitter. Any foam generated must be removed. Fermentation of cabbage lasts 3-4 days at a temperature of about 20 ° C. After that, the tub can be taken out to a cool place where it will be stored. After 2-3 weeks, the cabbage is ready for use. If desired, the cabbage can be fermented with whole heads. To do this, cut the head of cabbage in half or into 4 parts, remove the stump, sprinkle with salt and put in a barrel, pouring layers of heads of cabbage with shredded cabbage. Ready sauerkraut does not need seasoning. By itself, it is fragrant and appetizing, slightly flavored with sunflower oil, will make an excellent addition to dishes from meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms and other protein products. Sauerkraut gives an excellent combination to the carbohydrate table – fried and boiled potatoes, vegetable stew, baked and stewed vegetables and, as an appetizer, perfectly accompanies breakfast of branded cereals. Sauerkraut, flavored with vegetable oil, onions, can also make a separate meal, if there is well-baked bread on the table, hot tea with jam.

You can create your own recipe taking into account the loss of vitamins and minerals using the recipe calculator in the application.

Nutritional value and chemical composition.

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams edible part.
NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie value27 kCal1684 kCal1.6%5.9%6237 g
Proteins1.6 g76 g2.1%7.8%4750 g
Fats0.1 g56 g0.2%0.7%56000 g
Carbohydrates5.2 g219 g2.4%8.9%4212 g
organic acids79.2 g~
Alimentary fiber4 g20 g20%74.1%500 g
Water88 g2273 g3.9%14.4%2583 g
Ash0.9 g~
Vitamin A, RE600 μg900 μg66.7%247%150 g
Retinol0.6 mg~
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.03 mg1.5 mg2%7.4%5000 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.04 mg1.8 mg2.2%8.1%4500 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.2 mg5 mg4%14.8%2500 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.1 mg2 mg5%18.5%2000 g
Vitamin B9, folate8.9 μg400 μg2.2%8.1%4494 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic38.1 mg90 mg42.3%156.7%236 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.2 mg15 mg1.3%4.8%7500 g
Vitamin H, biotin0.1 μg50 μg0.2%0.7%50000 g
Vitamin PP, NE0.9656 mg20 mg4.8%17.8%2071 g
niacin0.7 mg~
Potassium, K283.4 mg2500 mg11.3%41.9%882 g
Calcium, Ca50 mg1000 mg5%18.5%2000 g
Magnesium, Mg16.3 mg400 mg4.1%15.2%2454 g
Sodium, Na21.8 mg1300 mg1.7%6.3%5963 g
Sulfur, S34.6 mg1000 mg3.5%13%2890 g
Phosphorus, P29.8 mg800 mg3.7%13.7%2685 g
Chlorine, Cl1249.2 mg2300 mg54.3%201.1%184 g
Trace Elements
Aluminum, Al493.7 μg~
Bohr, B197 μg~
Vanadium, V6.4 μg~
Iron, Fe0.8 mg18 mg4.4%16.3%2250 g
Iodine, I2.9 μg150 μg1.9%7%5172 g
Cobalt, Co3 μg10 μg30%111.1%333 g
Lithium, Li0.4 μg~
Manganese, Mn0.1631 mg2 mg8.2%30.4%1226 g
Copper, Cu81.3 μg1000 μg8.1%30%1230 g
Molybdenum, Mo.12.1 μg70 μg17.3%64.1%579 g
Nickel, Ni14.1 μg~
Rubidium, Rb5.6 μg~
Fluorine, F12.2 μg4000 μg0.3%1.1%32787 g
Chrome, Cr4.6 μg50 μg9.2%34.1%1087 g
Zinc, Zn0.3758 mg12 mg3.1%11.5%3193 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins0.2 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)5 gmax 100 г

The energy value is 27 kcal.

Sauerkraut rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A – 66,7%, vitamin C – 42,3%, potassium – 11,3%, chlorine – 54,3%, cobalt – 30%, molybdenum – 17,3%
  • Vitamin A is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin C participates in redox reactions, the functioning of the immune system, promotes the absorption of iron. Deficiency leads to loose and bleeding gums, nosebleeds due to increased permeability and fragility of the blood capillaries.
  • potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of nerve impulses, pressure regulation.
  • Chlorine necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor of many enzymes that provide the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • 28 kCal
  • 47 kCal
  • 35 kCal
  • 0 kCal
  • 28 kCal
  • 46 kCal
Tags: How to cook, calorie content 27 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, what vitamins, minerals, cooking method Sauerkraut, recipe, calories, nutrients

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