Sauerkraut – properties, use, contraindications

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Sauerkraut is shredded cabbage that is fermented after sprinkling it with salt. As a result of fermentation and decomposition of sugars by bacteria, lactic acid is formed, which gives the cabbage its characteristic sour taste. Sauerkraut is a very healthy food product, because lactic acid bacteria have a positive effect on the intestinal flora and the human immune system.

History of sauerkraut

The origins of sauerkraut date back to the XNUMXth century and it was closely related to the sailors who used it to protect themselves against various ailments and diseases such as scurvy (resulting from vitamin C deficiency). Sauerkraut was also used as a means of preventing frostbite and naturally strengthening the immune system. Additionally, sauerkraut juice as a compress helped with ulcers and rheumatic pains.

Organic sauerkraut juice is available at Medonet Market.

Health-promoting properties of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is low in calories, but it has many health-promoting properties. It has a positive effect on digestive processes and the digestive system, strengthens immunity, reduces blood cholesterol levels, has a positive effect on the circulatory system and the heart, and also improves the condition of the skin.

Sauerkraut contains vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. It is also a great source of B vitamins, vitamins A, E and K. Due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria, formed in the fermentation process, it is a very healthy product, recommended for the prevention of digestive system diseases and for the maintenance of the proper intestinal bacterial flora. It is also a source of dietary fiber, which is especially useful for people who are slimming or suffering from constipation. Fiber also allows you to lower blood cholesterol, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Sauerkraut is great for people who have problems with ulcers and stomach erosions. This is due to the fact that sauerkraut juice soothes the action of acids and salt, thus relieving pain. Sauerkraut juice also has a detoxifying effect, thanks to which it allows you to remove harmful substances from the body.

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Sauerkraut also has blood glucose regulating propertieswhich is useful in the prevention of diabetes and the occurrence of metabolic syndrome. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, has a beneficial effect on the body and allows you to sooth and combat already existing inflammatory changes. There are also antioxidants in sauerkraut, which reduces the risk of cancer. Sauerkraut can protect against diseases related to the endocrine system, and more specifically against cancer of the testicles, breast, ovaries, prostate and cervix.

Vitamin C found in sauerkraut prevents the development of scurvy and is helpful in colds and in maintaining the proper condition of the mouth and gums. Ascorbic acid also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, enhancing collagen production and making the skin firm. Vitamin C also works very well to strengthen immunity, because it is responsible for activating the body’s defenses, which in turn prevents bacteria or viruses from passing through it. The mentioned vitamin C is also responsible for well-being and soothes the symptoms of autumn blues. This is due to its activation of the production of tryptophan, which is responsible for the proper secretion of serotonin, which in turn prevents depression, as well as improves psychological functions.

The aforementioned detoxifying properties of sauerkraut along with anti-inflammatory properties make it a great weapon in the fight against acne. Thanks to the high content of minerals and vitamins, sauerkraut also improves the condition of hair and nails.

Present in sauerkraut vitamin A, on the other hand, delays the aging process. Iron located in sauerkraut prevents the appearance of anemia.

People who have doubts as to whether sauerkraut is a product for them should consult a nutritionist in the form of an online visit.

Uses of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut can be eaten raw as an ingredient in salads. It tastes good with grated apples, onions and raw carrots. You can also eat it cooked, for example as bigos or stuffing for dumplings or croquettes. Boiled sauerkraut goes well with mushrooms and peas. Sauerkraut is also used to prepare a delicious and healthy soup, a cabbage soup popular in Polish cuisine. It can also be added to meats, casseroles and pasta.

People who would like to change their diet, but do not have the time and idea how to effectively do it, should consult a dietitian. He will help you change your habits as well as introduce many foods to your diet, such as sauerkraut, and create a nutrition plan tailored to your needs.

See also: Five reasons why you should eat cabbage

How to make sauerkraut yourself?

Sauerkraut is very easy to make yourself, at home. Fresh white cabbage is cut into thin strips (shredded), arranged in several centimeter layers, and each of them is sprinkled with salt and thoroughly kneaded. Then the barrel or jar should be closed. The product prepared in this way is left for several days at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. During this time, the cabbage releases its juice and fermentation processes take place, breaking down the sugars into lactic acid.

Some producers add vinegar to sauerkraut to acidify the product faster, which reduces its nutritional value. Such cabbage will be white in color and only slightly sour.

At Medonet Market you can buy Bioherba cabbage sourdough ready-to-eat, available in bottles of three different sizes or in a set of shots for 7 days.

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Who is not recommended to eat sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut contains a large amount of sodium, so people suffering from hypertension, people suffering from kidney disease and people with cardiovascular diseases and chronic diseases of the digestive system should not be eaten in excess – sauerkraut can irritate the gastric mucosa. The sodium content of sauerkraut can be reduced by rinsing it several times in cold water before consuming it, or by boiling it and then draining the water.

In addition, sauerkraut should be avoided by people who have digestive problems or have a sensitive digestive system, because sauerkraut is quite difficult to digest. In addition, due to the fact that sauerkraut contains goitrogens, i.e. compounds known for their goitreating properties, it should not be consumed by people suffering from hypothyroidism.

Sauerkraut or sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut and sauerkraut, although often confused with each other, are relatively easy to distinguish. It should be remembered that sauerkraut does not undergo natural fermentation, and its preparation uses vinegar, sugar and salt (in addition, sauerkraut sold in stores also contains preservatives).

Sauerkraut, on the other hand, is produced by fermentation and the formation of lactic acid. For this reason, sauerkraut has such a characteristic smell and because of this fermentation it offers many beneficial properties. It is also worth adding that sauerkraut and sauerkraut differ in color and smell. Sauerkraut is almost white, and sauerkraut is more yellow. Additionally Sauerkraut has the smell of lactic acid, and not vinegar.

Also read: Good because… sour

Sauerkraut – recipes

sauerkraut salad

Ingredients: 6 large spoons of sauerkraut, one apple, medium-sized carrot, half a red onion, 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil or olive oil, salt and ground black pepper.


At the very beginning, you should rinse the sauerkraut under water, then squeeze it out and put it in a bowl. In the next step, peel the carrot and apple and grate them on a coarse-mesh grater. Next you need to peel the onions and dice them. Put all the ingredients into a bowl, in which you put the sauerkraut before, then pour the oil over it. At the end, season everything with salt and pepper, mix it and set aside for a dozen or so minutes to let the flavors bite through.

Cabbage soup

Ingredients: 250 g of sauerkraut, 300 g of turkey leg without skin, 3 potatoes, 1 onion, 2 carrots, parsley, salt, pepper, marjoram, bay leaf, allspice.


To begin with, wash the meat and put it in a pot, then pour one liter of water over it, and add allspice and bay leaf. Then cook the meat and spices for the next 30 minutes, then add the finely chopped vegetables and cook for another 10 minutes. After this time, add shredded cabbage, season and cook for about 20 minutes. Finally, remove the meat, cut it into any pieces you want and put it back into the soup. Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.

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