Salt deposition in the neck: causes. Video

Salt deposition in the neck: causes. Video

A modern person closely monitors his health: he tries to eat right, go to the gym, and be more on the move. However, the fashion for a healthy lifestyle has not affected everyone. Millions of people prefer to spend their evenings in front of the TV or computer and eat junk food, which leads to various diseases such as salt deposits in the neck.

Salt deposition on the neck: causes

What causes salt deposition?

Salt deposition is more and more common today. They can accumulate in various organs and the human skeletal system, eventually transforming into gout and osteochondrosis. Salt deposition in the neck is a type of the latter. The reasons for what is happening can be different.

Doctors call metabolic disorders the main cause of salt deposition on the neck. Also, an unpleasant disease can be caused by low mobility, unbalanced diet, heredity. Salt deposition in the neck area causes not only physical, but also visual discomfort: an ugly hump seriously spoils the appearance and is especially noticeable in the summer. Among the people, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine was nicknamed “saline scruff”, “bison hump”, “accountant’s bump”.

A few years ago, it was believed that excessive consumption of this product with food was responsible for the deposition of salts in the body. Today, it is known that the roots of the disease are in diets with a high protein content.

The cervical region is responsible for the work of the neck itself, as well as the arms and organs of the head. With the accumulation of salts in this area, headaches, discomfort in the back, numbness of the hands appear. Tinnitus, limited mobility, and loss of consciousness are also possible. If you do not pay attention to the malaise in time, it will rapidly progress and its complete removal will become problematic. Preventive measures can help you get rid of the buffalo hump and prevent it from reoccurring.

Prevention of salt deposits on the neck

Treat yourself early to improve your health and appearance by getting rid of the unpleasant lump in your neck. First, adjust your diet. Mainly remove meat from the menu.

Today it is determined that meat is the main provocateur of salt deposition in the body. It is especially necessary to abandon its fatty varieties (for example, pork, lamb). Also, with this disease, broths should be excluded.

Also, give up spicy foods and various sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, marinades, etc.). Fill the menu with fruits, vegetables, fresh salads. Make plant-based broths. The new diet will help to quickly relieve pain and restore motor functions.

Second, see a physical therapist. He will prescribe a course of therapy and physiotherapy exercises that will alleviate your condition and will promote the elimination of salts. However, keep in mind: the set of exercises will need to be memorized and performed for a long time as a preventive measure.

Thirdly, you can use the methods of traditional medicine. For example, various ointments, compresses based on warm potatoes, rice, cabbage leaves, rubbing the painful area have proven themselves well. It is also necessary to undergo a course of massage of the cervical zone. True, an ordinary massage therapist is not trained to efficiently and quickly break up such formations.

Fourth, see a chiropractor. It is this doctor who will be able to quickly remove salt build-up with the help of a rough massage, relieving you of pain and discomfort. You don’t have to swallow pills or go through long-term treatment.

However, be prepared: breaking deposits is somewhat painful, and it is better to look for a good doctor through friends or reviews

This is the only way you can be sure that the specialist will do everything correctly and will not harm your health.

However, all of these methods should be used only after the correct diagnosis has been made. Salt removal is necessary, but neck pain and tightness can be caused by other causes. In order for the treatment to be of only benefit, the first thing to do is see a doctor.

Also interesting to read: sweet diet for weight loss.

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