Let’s get cracking? 5 harmless chips

Chips as snacks nutritionists rejected, apparently because the most popular of their kind – potatoes have plenty of sautéed with preservatives and taste enhancers. To date, the production of potato chips has taken a huge step forward: they make use of wholesome ingredients. What kind of chips you can afford without compromising your health?

Vegetable chips

Let’s get cracking? 5 harmless chips

Almost any vegetable may become chips – beets, carrots, zucchini. Moderate calorie and high content of fiber, they can be a great alternative to harmful snacks. You can eat them in front of the TV or in a movie theater, post-workout, and bring them to work. These chips are gluten-free, cholesterol-free, and if you just are not a fan of fresh and cooked vegetables then chips out of them are what you need!

Chips seaweed nori

Let’s get cracking? 5 harmless chips

Not everyone likes the taste of nori, but, fortunately, they are like potato chips, are available in many different flavors. Very crispy, salty they’re sure to become your favorite. Algae is a source of iodine, which is important for good health and appearance. Iodine removes from the body radionuclides, clearing the skin and hair. Chips nori rolls are hearty, so good to satisfy hunger.

Fruit chips

Let’s get cracking? 5 harmless chips

Fruit chips are made from apples, pineapple, banana, melon, strawberry, orange, and for the sweet tooth is a true taste of Paradise! When making fruit chips they lose only 5 percent of nutrients – vitamins and minerals. Therefore, these chips are especially important for babies – it is convenient to take to school and not worry that the child will eat “stuff”.

Coconut chips

Let’s get cracking? 5 harmless chips

Another healthy snack for lovers of desserts – dried pieces of coconut pulp with a small number of natural supplements. This snack is a nutritious source of healthy fats and vitamin C. Children will also love the taste the coconut chips.


Let’s get cracking? 5 harmless chips

These chips are ground flax seeds, add tomatoes, pepper, and salt, mixed and dried. In such chips are completely absent fast carbs but there is plenty of fiber and protein. Thanks to technology of cooking chips contain no fat and carcinogens.

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