Russian type of aging: why our women fade earlier
We understand the peculiarities of age-related changes in the inhabitants of our country, and also find out how to deal with them.
Certified happiness trainer, astropsychologist, author of the book “Goddess Shakti. Textbook of materialization of desires “
Our scourge – flews and nasolabial folds
Recently, a journalist from the Chinese portal Sohu wrote that Russian women age faster than Chinese women due to their special heredity, and also because they stop watching their face and figure in marriage.
Russian cosmetologists commented on this statement, noting that Asians have a fundamentally different type of aging. With age, the oval of the face does not float in Chinese women and the number of wrinkles does not appear as in Russian women.
While our compatriots, after 35 years old, appear nasolabial folds, the corners of the mouth descend and so-called flews are formed – sagging areas of the skin in the lower part of the face, distorting its contour. The hormonal background changes, skin cells are renewed more slowly, folds appear in the neck and décolleté area. This is not happening because women stop taking care of themselves, we just have different genetics.
Is it all about ecology and weather conditions?
Most Russian women leather nessentially combined and oily, porous, edematous… Therefore, all deficiencies in nutrition and lifestyle are very quickly drawn on the face. Over the years, many have bags under the eyes, the volume of the cheekbones changes. Whereas the inhabitants of European countries have mostly dry and thin skin, therefore the changes on it are not so noticeable. This type of aging is called finely wrinkled.
Another important factor affecting the aging of the skin of Russian women is bad ecology и sudden temperature changes… The body, which is constantly in the cold, then in the heat, wears out faster, because climate change is stressful for it.
At the same time, it has been proven that with proper skin care, many Russian women can look young enough up to 45-50 years.
How to deal with aging?
1. As cosmetologists say, the most important thing is to understand that вAll women are different and they age in different ways. Therefore, you should not try to be like the beautifully aging Kim Bessinger or Lucy Liu and get upset when the first wrinkles appear in the mirror.
2. It is important to lead an active lifestyle. After all, it is good blood circulation that maintains the tone of our skin and keeps it youthful.
3. You can also do yourself a self-massage, which tones up and increases the outflow of lymph, models the oval of the face, and also regularly use peeling and moisturizing masks.
4. If opportunities allow, it will not hurt filler injections with hyaluronic acid, which fill in wrinkles and folds on the face and visually smooth it.
5. It is also good to do face-building – gymnastics for the face. Trained muscles keep their shape better and do not need plastic surgery. That is why face building is called an excellent alternative to operations. According to cosmetologists, sagging skin occurs due to the fact that in some places the muscles are overstrained, and in others they weaken. And during gymnastics for the face, their condition is normalized. So, the first results can be seen after a week of regular training.
6. And most importantly: it is recommended once and for all to keep the skin toned. forget about cigarettes, alcohol, overeating and nnegative emotions… Also important sleep well and how can smile more often… Then the cheeks will be rosy, and the corners of the lips will never go down.