Losing excess weight does not mean automatically getting rid of cellulite. In addition, quite often completely thin women also have orange peel on the hips and buttocks.
What nutritional guidelines will help you get rid of cellulite or significantly reduce its appearance on the skin?
Drink water
It is advisable to form and consolidate this habit, despite the season outside the window. Of course, you want to drink more in summer, but in winter water is important for your skin. Cellulite is primarily a signal of metabolic disorders in lymph, and it is water that plays an important role in restoring this metabolism. And this applies only to water without gas.
Don’t overdo it on dairy
Dairy products with a high percentage of fat content are considered to be the main provocateurs of orange peel in women. Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products without added sugar and harmful preservatives will help reduce the intensity of cellulite.
Choose lean meats
Fatty pork is harmful not only to the skin, but to the entire body. If you are very fond of pork, try the turkey fillet – it is very similar in structure to a piglet. Eat poultry, beef, or rabbit. And no sausages and sausages.
Swap coffee for green coffee
On the one hand, coffee improves metabolism, on the other hand, it slows down the removal of fluids from the body. Nutritionists say that to get only the benefits of coffee – replace black coffee with green. The effect will be noticeable after 2 weeks.
Eat vegetables and fruits
An unhealthy diet with a minimal amount of vegetables and fruits also provokes an improper distribution of fat under the skin. Get into the habit of consuming all colors of vegetables and fruits every day, starting with a small dose. They will provide you with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and fiber will help cope with the removal of slag.
Regulate your sugar and salt intake
Sugar and salt retain fluid in the body and provoke cellulite. Use herbs and spices instead of salt to make the dish tastier. And replace sugar with honey and dried fruits, but in small quantities.
We will remind, earlier we told which 8 products only provoke cellulite, and also advised, drinks will help to reduce it.
Be healthy!