Rowan Nevezhinskaya: description
Rowan “Nevezhinskaya” is a kind of common forest rowan. This variety appeared thanks to the whims of the most important breeder on Earth – nature. The mountain ash gained its fame thanks to a resident of the village of Nevezhino, who was the first to discover the unusual taste of berries and transferred the tree to his front garden. Hence the name of the variety – “Nevezhinskaya”.
Description of rowan variety “Nevezhinskaya”
At first glance, it is difficult to notice the differences between “Nevezhinskaya” mountain ash from ordinary ones, except that its fruits are slightly larger and can gain weight up to 3 g. But it is worth trying them once to taste to understand why gardeners are so fond of this variety. They lack the excessive astringency and bitterness inherent in ordinary mountain ash.
The mountain ash “Nevezhinskaya” has another unofficial name – “Nezhinskaya”
The tree grows up to 10 m in height and has a pyramidal crown. Begins to bear fruit in the 5th year after planting, the yield of the variety is consistently high.
The fruits of this variety contain 8–11% sugar, so you don’t need to wait until frost to soften their taste. In addition, berries are high in carotene – from 10 to 12 mg and vitamin C – up to 150 mg.
The variety is completely undemanding to the surrounding conditions and, due to its resistance, can tolerate extremely low temperatures – 40-45 ° C without serious consequences. With proper care, the tree can produce high yields for up to 30 years.
Varieties obtained on the basis of “Nevezhinskaya” rowan
Thanks to the efforts of the famous breeder I.V. Michurin, on its basis, excellent varieties were bred, which to this day are very popular. As a result of crossing with crops such as dogwood, chokeberry, pear and apple tree, the following rowan varieties were born:
- “Sorbinka” – the fruits are completely devoid of bitterness, have a delicate and sweet taste. In addition, the variety is distinguished by massive clusters of berries – up to 300 g. The mass of one berry can be from 2,5 to 3 g.
- “Ruby rowan” – in the process of ripening, the surface of the berries acquires a rich ruby color. The taste is sweet, the pulp is juicy, yellowish.
- “Businka” is a low-growing tree that grows up to 3 m. It has high decorative qualities. The rowan variety is very resistant to temperature extremes and frost.
High-quality mountain ash is becoming a very popular crop in garden and backyard plots. Its unpretentiousness and modest beauty are attracting the attention of gardeners more and more. After all, you can plant a tree in any corner unsuitable for other cultures, and in the fall you will enjoy healthy and tasty berries.