Rowan in autumn
Rowan is a bright and stately tree that is popular in central Russia. Consider the purposes for which mountain ash is grown, as well as recommendations for planting and moving the plant.
Rowan in autumn is a wonderful decoration of the territory and an endless source of nutrients. The tree is used both for decorative purposes and for the preparation of medicines in traditional medicine. Also, the berries of this culture are popular in the preparation of juices, syrups, jams and other delicacies. Experienced gardeners and summer residents have found another use for the plant: by planting it around the perimeter of a vegetable garden or garden, you can protect other fruit crops from bird attacks, since bright berries attract birds, thereby distracting attention from other plantings.
Mountain ash in the fall is a great bait for birds that threaten the harvest
The height of the tree can reach 10-15 m, the crown is dense, the leaves are narrow, elongated. During the flowering period, white flowers are formed on the branches, collected in inflorescences. Later, these flowers are transformed into berry ovaries, and by the beginning of autumn the tree is replete with bright, red-orange berries.
The fruits are small, in the shape of a ball, the pulp is tart and bitter in taste. They are famous for their high content of potassium, magnesium, vitamins and acids.
Planting and transplanting rowan in the fall
Those wishing to plant a culture on their site need to know that the best time for all kinds of mountain ash movements is autumn. The tree does not like sudden changes in temperature, and spring often brings surprises in the form of unexpected frosts after warming. If the mountain ash is not moved to a permanent place of residence before the onset of severe cold weather, it is fundamentally important to postpone the planting to the next autumn or warm spring by placing the seedlings in storage.
If the deadline is met, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Pay attention to the quality of the seedlings and make sure they are not damaged. The bark of the tree should not be wrinkled, the roots should be branched and long.
- Place plants in soil that contains clay and sand. Drainage is also needed. It is preferable to plant rowan in sunny areas.
- Prepare planting holes 50 cm deep by mixing the soil with ash, humus and compost. The optimum distance between trees is 5 meters.
- When immersing the seedling in the hole, be sure to straighten the roots of the plant. The soil around the planted tree should be tamped tightly and watered abundantly.
In the first years of life, in order to settle down in place, the mountain ash needs proper care, which will take a minimum of time and financial costs. The culture does not like large amounts of water, so it should be watered no more than twice a month. With heavy rainfall, watering is reduced to once every 4-6 weeks. It is also important to weed out the soil around the trunk, and then dig up the soil so that the root system gets enough oxygen. Fertilization of the tree in the first years is not required and begins to be applied only a few years after planting – nitrogen and organic fertilizing will be beneficial here.
If you need to transplant a tree, follow the planting rules described above, remembering the only important nuance: be sure to keep an earthen lump around the roots at the time of removing the plant from its former place of residence.
This is where the fundamentally important recommendations come to an end. Be attentive to your site, and it will certainly delight you with healthy, spreading trees with lush rowan bunches.