Roundabout in 2022
The rules for driving around the roundabout have changed, now the one who goes in a circle is the main one. But there are particulars, and we will tell about them.

The basic rule in 2022 is: if there is a prescriptive sign “Roundabout” before entering a roundabout, then the one entering the roundabout gives way, and the one who drives around the circle is in charge. From 2010 to 2017, it was different, there were two options for travel, so confusion arose. The new rules removed it.

New rules for driving roundabouts

They are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Federation of October 26.10.2017, 1300 No. XNUMX “On Amendments to the Rules of the Road of the Federation”. The document changes the order of passing roundabouts.

The new edition of the Rules of the Road says: at the intersection of equivalent roads with roundabouts and road sign 4.3 “Roundabouts”, the driver, entering such an intersection, is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along this intersection.

If priority signs or traffic lights are installed at the roundabout, the movement of vehicles is carried out in accordance with their requirements.

– Until 2017, cars moving in a circular motion were required to let those who leave the circle. In 2022, those driving on the roundabout have priority over those driving on the roundabout. This rule was developed to reduce congestion on roundabouts, — said candidate of legal sciences, lawyer Gennady Nefedovsky.

What is a roundabout

Roundabout – a place of intersection, junction or branching of roads at the same level, indicated by a traffic sign “Roundabout”. Movement on it is organized only in one direction – counterclockwise. You can’t drive in the opposite direction.

– By itself, the term “roundabout” is not in the Rules of the road. SDA defines the term “crossroads” and explains how to move in a roundabout, our expert explains.

Types of road signs at a roundabout

Roundabouts are marked with special signs. These are signs No. 1.7 – “Circular traffic intersection” and sign No. 4.3 – “Roundabout”. They are indicated by arrows that determine the direction of movement in a circle counterclockwise.

But other options are also possible. For example, a “Give way” sign is installed in pair with it, then the route does not change, it’s just that this sign was “inherited” from past years, and there will be no contradiction. It will be if the sign “Main Road” is hung at the entrance. Then you drive in accordance with the requirement of this sign, you are inferior. It may be that there is a traffic light at the entrance to the circle. Then you drive according to the traffic lights.

How to choose a lane when driving through an intersection

If there are two, three or more lanes for traffic on the circle, then it is better to proceed as follows: if necessary, move out of the circle at one of the nearest exits, it makes no sense to change lanes to the left, it is more convenient to drive in the right lane without unnecessary changes. If you need to drive the entire or almost the entire circle, then it is advisable to move closer to the center of the circle, it is freer there, and you will not interfere with those entering and leaving. But remember that you can only leave the circle in the extreme right lane, unless otherwise provided by traffic signs. Where the ‘Direction of Lane Direction’ signs allow entry into and exit from a multi-lane circle, you are entitled to do so.

Penalties for breaking the rules

  1. If you have not complied with the requirement of the “Roundabout” sign and have not given way to a person driving in a circle taking advantage, then fine – 1 thousand rubles – Art. 12.13 Administrative Code of the Federation.
  2. If you violated the requirements of signs or markings when driving in a circle, for example, changed lanes through a continuous lane separating passing lanes, or changed lanes from the wrong (far right) position, then the punishment is softer – a warning or a fine of 500 rubles – Art. 12.16 Administrative Code of the Federation.
  3. If you go in a circle “against the grain”, that is, clockwise, this will be considered as moving in an oncoming lane, the punishment – a fine of 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months – Art. 12.15 Administrative Code of the Federation.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about the rules for passing roundabouts in 2022. Answers to popular questions on the topic candidate of legal sciences, lawyer Gennady Nefedovsky.

When they say “ring”, which intersection do they mean?

The “ring” is considered to be the type of intersections, in the middle of which there is an island. This is an unregulated intersection that is not equipped with traffic lights.

Why create roundabouts?

Their task is to allow vehicles to quickly and easily cross the intersection. The roundabout was originally developed in the UK in the 1960s and is now widely used in many countries.

Can you tell me step by step how to get through a roundabout?

1. When entering the circle, you must turn on the right turn signal.

2. If necessary, drive straight or to the left – turn on the left turn signal, change lanes to the left.

3. Before the exit, turning on the right turn signal, change lanes to the right.

4. Move into the desired turn.

5. If you need to pass at the intersection to the right, it is not necessary to make a whole circle. You can immediately enter the right lane using the appropriate turn signal and leave the ring.

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