Rose “Santana” – a climbing beauty in your garden

A climbing rose looks like a creeper, it curls, grows and pleases the eye with extraordinary beauty. There are a large number of varieties of climbing roses. They differ in shape, size, color, period and number of blooms. A bright and unusually beautiful representative of such a rose is santana.


Santana is a beautiful variety that has luxurious large flowers. Their diameter can reach about 10 centimeters. The foliage of this variety is dense, shiny. It blooms several times and has a number of features:

  • They have a rich, deep, “juicy” dark red color.
  • The petals are velvety and very tender to the touch.
  • During flowering, all branches are strewn with flowers, and this process lasts for a long time.
  • Flowers do not deteriorate under the influence of external climatic factors (in the sun they shimmer and resemble sparkling diamonds, after rain their color only improves, and the petals straighten and become even more attractive).
  • The maximum height of the shrub is 3 meters.Rose Santana - a climbing beauty in your garden
  • Thanks to strong branches, it does not need additional support or support.
  • Rose Santana climbing, very resistant to various diseases and pests. It tolerates cold normally, but it is better to grow it in warm regions. It has a wonderful aroma that can be felt as soon as you approach the bush.
  • This variety looks great on a contrasting or light background.
  • Flowers do not grow one at a time, but are collected in brushes of three pieces each. The rose covers the entire bush evenly, it does not happen that there are more flowers on one side, and almost none on the other.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn what the Santana rose looks like.

Rosa Santana

Characteristics of a variety

Speaking about the Santana variety, it should be noted that the choice of location is very important. This shrub likes a well-ventilated area, but without a constant draft. It needs a warm and sunny place. The best option is the south side on some hill.

If the landing site is chosen correctly, then the shrub will bloom the very next year and will be a wonderful decoration for landscape design. A climbing rose does not require a large area, a 50 cm x 50 cm area will be sufficient. The most important thing is to pre-prepare the hole before planting. It is necessary to dig it up, pour a bucket of manure into it and fill it with water.Rose Santana - a climbing beauty in your garden

After planting, the rose requires some care, and in subsequent years it grows quite independently, without taking a lot of time and effort.

Care and pruning

When caring for this type of rose, you should follow some simple rules so that the rose grows healthy, beautiful and pleases its “owner” in the garden for a long time.

Water the plant, usually once a week. If the weather is hot without precipitation, then watering is carried out more often.Rose Santana - a climbing beauty in your garden

The feeding process takes place in several stages and according to a special scheme. The manure that was placed in the hole before planting will feed the plant for the next two years. But besides this, Santana needs additional nutrition, best of all with peat-nitrogen fertilizers. You can use standard mixtures that are suitable for flowering plants.

When the plant is at rest, it does not need to be fertilized, but during the growing season, about five top dressings are carried out.

An important step in the correct care of the Santana rose is pruning. It must be carried out at a certain time and in accordance with a special technique.

Pruned so that the bush is decorative and has a beautiful shape, grows well and blooms densely. Also, this process helps to avoid diseases and maintain the perfect appearance of the rose. If you do not prune, then the vines will grow chaotically, shapelessly and will look more like ugliness and overgrowth than a bush decorating the garden. To give the correct shape, pruning is carried out asymmetrically and on curved branches.Rose Santana - a climbing beauty in your garden

In order to thin out the bush a little, cut off young shoots. Leave last year’s branches. On new and young flowers will not appear. They carefully remove only the edge on which there are no kidneys.

Despite the fact that the Santana variety blooms several times a year, the shoots are removed in the fourth year, because after three years the flowers already fade on the branches.

Annual shoots are left, but not more than 7 pieces.

You can carry out the pruning process before wintering. In order for the shrub to survive the cold season well, the longest shoots are removed from it. This procedure must be carried out with a well-sharpened knife with disinfected steel. The cut point must be treated with a special viscous substance that does not dissolve in water and is intended for the treatment of “wounds”.

In order to grow a Santana rose, it does not take much effort, energy and time, but how beautiful this shrub is in aesthetic terms. It is not difficult to create a luxurious flowering garden with your own hands.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow roses.

How roses are grown. Rose growing technology

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