Rosa Gloria Day is a legendary variety that has been the undisputed leader among garden-tea hybrids for many decades. This beautiful lemon-yellow flower is a repeated winner of the most prestigious international exhibitions, it was called a symbol of peace, and it was he who at the end of the XNUMXth century was awarded the honorary title of “Rose of the Century”. The variety is widely distributed throughout the world, many very beautiful hybrids have been bred on its basis, and every grower considers it an honor to grow this miracle in his garden.
History of origin
The Gloria Dei variety has gained such high popularity in the world not by chance. The history of its creation and further distribution is directly related to significant events taking place in the first half of the 1935th century. The rose was bred in France by the famous breeder and florist F. Meilland. Work on breeding the variety continued from 1939 to XNUMX, and when the prototype was obtained, the author named the flower “Madame A. Meilland” in honor of his mother who died at a young age.
The amazing beauty of the rose quickly spread beyond the borders of its homeland. Her seedlings were sent by mail to different countries, in each of which the flower was given its own name: in Italy, the variety is known under the name “Gioia” (joy, delight), in England and the USA – “Peace” (peace), in Germany Gloria Dei. The rose came to the countries of the USSR from nurseries in Germany, so here it is known as Gloria Day.
By the end of World War II, the variety had become so famous that it was associated with victory, peace and harmony.
At the first UN General Assembly, held in 1945, all heads of delegations of the countries present at the end of the forum received a flower each. Since then, the rose has become a symbol of harmony and peace between countries, official diplomatic receptions and business meetings were decorated with its bouquets.
And now, after so many years, Gloria Dei is the most popular and best-selling rose in the world.
Video “Description of the bush”
From the presented video you will learn a lot of interesting things about this variety of roses.
Variety description
The rose bush looks very typical for a tea hybrid: low (up to 1,2 m), slightly spreading, stems are branched, erect, with small thorns, leaves are large, dark green in color, the leaf plate is glossy, slightly serrated along the edges. Of particular interest are large double flowers of pale yellow, reddish at the edges.
Tellingly, the color of the rose changes as it blooms and depending on the air temperature. By the way, the intensity of the aroma of a flower also depends on the weather and time of day.
When half open, the rosebud is goblet shaped and pale greenish-yellow in color. As it blooms, the rose takes on a cupped shape, and the color changes to yellow-orange, with a reddish coating along the edge of the petals. In hot weather, the flower becomes pale yellow, almost white, and the pink hue becomes more intense and bright. Gloria Day is a very large rose. Its diameter is about 15 cm, but with good care, the size can be larger. The flower is terry, consisting of more than 45 petals.
The aroma of a rose also tends to change. In the evening hours and after rain, the flower smells more intense and sweeter. During the day, the fragrance is light, barely perceptible. The bush blooms continuously from June to the end of summer, and even in autumn buds still appear. The duration of flowering of one rose is approximately 30 days. Despite its French origin, the variety grows quite successfully in countries with a cold climate, has a high immunity to diseases, but in hot climates the leaves are sometimes affected by black spot.
Landing technology
The Gloria Dei variety is not afraid of the cold and even tolerates severe frosts well, however, for permanent growth, it is better to choose sunny, well-ventilated areas. Such conditions will help to avoid most of the fungal diseases characteristic of tea roses. At the same time, the bush should not be exposed to drafts, otherwise the flowers will quickly lose their beauty, and the petals will fall off earlier.
A rose is planted in well-warmed soil in the first half of May. For planting, it is better to choose a sunny, but not hot day. Loose, breathable soil with a deep fertile layer and neutral or slightly high acidity is considered ideal for a rose. If the soil in the garden is not nutritious enough, humus and sand should be added to it, and special fertilizers for roses should be applied immediately before planting. The flower does not tolerate stagnant water, so it is recommended to lay the drainage layer regardless of the characteristics of the soil.
If the roots of seedlings are open, which is often the case with plants purchased from a nursery, then they should be placed in warm water for several hours before planting so that they straighten and absorb moisture. Instead of water, solutions with biostimulants can be used. If fertilizers were applied to the soil, then a hole is dug just before planting. It is also possible to apply organic fertilizers (compost, humus) directly into the pit, but then you need to dig it out and apply fertilizer a couple of weeks before planting.
The size of the hole depends on the size of the seedling’s root system. It should be so wide that the roots are placed freely. As for the depth, it is necessary to calculate that the root collar should be 2-3 cm deep into the soil. When planting in groups, the plants are planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other, since the bushes of the Gloria Dei rose, although compact, are quite tall. After planting, the ground around the bush is rammed and watered abundantly with settled water.
Care instructions
For lush flowering, the rose requires moisture and nutrients, so watering and fertilizing should be given special attention. In hot weather, the rose is watered 2 times / week at the rate of 7-10 liters of water per 1 bush. After rain, watering is resumed after a week, but you need to focus on soil moisture – if it is still high, then you do not need to water. For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is used. Do not use cold water from a well or directly from the water supply. Rainwater is considered ideal for irrigation. The best time to hydrate is late in the evening after sunset.
They feed the rose with complex mixtures designed specifically for roses, as well as organic matter. The first two top dressings are carried out in the spring: one during bud break, the second – during the formation of buds. The third top dressing, which is also the last, is carried out shortly before the onset of constant cold weather.
In the spring, a rose needs nitrogen, so at the first feeding, you can add saltpeter, urea. In summer and autumn, liquid mullein in a ratio of 1:10 mixed with superphosphate and potassium sulfate (50 g each) is suitable as a fertilizer.
The rose of this variety is resistant to a number of diseases, but this does not exclude the need for preventive treatment of the bushes. In the spring, even before the leaves bloom, the plants should be treated with a 3% solution of iron or copper sulphate. Experienced flower growers recommend planting marigolds next to roses – these flowers secrete special enzymes that eliminate harmful microorganisms, moreover, they repel many pests with their smell.
An equally important event in the care of a rose is pruning: sanitary and shaping. The first is carried out in the spring and involves the removal of all diseased, weak and frozen shoots. The need for sanitary pruning may also arise in the summer if the plants have been ill or have been damaged. Also, faded buds should be removed throughout the summer. Formative pruning is carried out in autumn, during which the tops of the shoots are shortened by half or a third. Such pruning contributes to more lush branching of the bush next year.
It is customary to cover garden roses for the winter, but since Gloria Day is quite frost-resistant, she needs shelter only in northern regions with long and harsh winters. It should be noted that there is less trouble with the Gloria Dei rose than with others, and it grows quickly – literally in six months it can please with the first flowering. By the way, experienced flower growers are advised not to allow young plants to bloom immediately. If you break off the first few buds, then the bush will direct all its strength to strengthening the roots, and will soon bloom even more magnificently.
Video “Fight against diseases”
From the video you will learn about the fight against diseases of rose bushes.