Ribs on the nails: causes and elimination. Video

Ribs on the nails: causes and elimination. Video

Beautiful, smooth and well-groomed nails not only look spectacular, but also add self-confidence. But, unfortunately, sometimes their appearance does not live up to expectations and deteriorates with grooves resembling ribs. You can get rid of ribs if you find out the causes of the appearance and eliminate them.

Reasons for the appearance of ribs on the nails

If you exclude health problems, then there may be several reasons for this:

  • Lack of vitamins, minerals and regular water in the diet. With a lack of fluid, the structure of the nails can change
  • Inaccurate mechanical cuticle removal. At the same time, transverse horizontal stripes may appear on the nails from contact with the clippers.

In some cases, such a structure of the nail is physiological and does not need treatment, while the stripes can be both horizontal and vertical.

It should also be borne in mind that the ribbed surface of the nails may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs and the thyroid gland.

How to remove ribs on nails

You can change this situation by organizing regular nail care and reviewing your diet. The menu should contain a sufficient amount of foods containing vitamins of groups A and B, as well as iron and calcium. If you cannot find the right diet due to lack of free time, you should take vitamin complexes, which will help you choose the right doctor.

You can try hand baths as a home remedy for the ridged structure of your nails. For them, in a deep bowl, it is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of sea salt in hot water at the rate of 15 g per 200 ml of liquid. Nails are immersed in water completely and stay in it until the liquid cools down.

Such baths must be taken daily for two weeks.

In parallel with this, strengthening masks should be made, for which it is necessary to cut the lemon in half and immerse the first phalanges of the fingers into its pulp. It is most convenient to carry out this procedure in front of the TV, when time passes imperceptibly and the nails are completely calmly in contact with lemon juice for 20-30 minutes.

It is important not to forget that nails need the same care as other parts of the body. Only in this case they will delight with their appearance and look great with any manicure. To do this, you must carefully look at the composition of the nail polish remover used, which should not contain acetone. This substance can also change the structure of fingernails.

From time to time it is necessary to give your nails a rest, since even the highest quality varnish is not very useful for them.

Also interesting to read: gel nail extension.

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