Religious baptism: how to baptize my child?

Religious baptism: how to baptize my child?

Baptism is a religious and family event which marks the child’s initiation into the Catholic religion. What are the steps to take to have your child baptized? How to prepare for it? How is the ceremony going? The answers to all your questions about religious baptism.

What is baptism?

The word “baptism” comes from the Greek baptizein which means “to dive, to submerge”. He is “the sacrament from birth to Christian life: marked with the sign of the cross, immersed in water, the newly baptized is reborn to a new life”, Explains the Catholic Church in France on its website. Among Catholics, baptism marks the entry of the child into the Church and the beginning of a Christian education to which the parents commit themselves. 

Religious baptism

In the Catholic religion, baptism is the first of the seven sacraments. It precedes the Eucharist (communion), confirmation, marriage, reconciliation, ordination (becoming a priest), and the anointing of the sick.

Baptisms are usually celebrated on the Sunday morning after mass.

Who do I turn to to have my child baptized?

Before setting the date for the baptism and starting the festive preparations, you must first contact the parish closest to you. The best is to do it a few months before the desired date to set the event. 

Once the church is found, you will be asked to proceed with the baptismal request and complete a registration form.

Religious baptism: what preparation?

Baptism is not just for babies and children: it is possible to be baptized at any age. However, the preparation is different depending on the age of the person. 

For a child under two years old

If your child is under two years old, you will need to attend one or more meetings (it depends on the parishes). During these meetings, you will discuss the request and the meaning of baptism, and you will discuss the preparation of the ceremony (choice of texts to be read for example). The priest and the laity will accompany you in your process. 

For a child between two and seven years old

If your child is between two and seven years old, you will need to participate in the preparation with your child. The duration and the pedagogy will be adapted to the age of the child. In particular, the child is explained the rite of baptism, but also why their whole family is invited to this event. During this preparation, meetings of awakening to the faith are scheduled with other parents who wish to have their child baptized. 

For a person over the age of seven

If your child is over seven years old, it takes a little longer to prepare. It is done in connection with catechesis (all actions aimed at making children, young people and adults grow in Christian life). 

Do I have to meet certain conditions to have my child baptized?

The essential condition of baptism is the parents’ commitment to give their child a Christian education (by sending him to catechism afterwards). So, in principle, unbaptized parents can have their child baptized. It still implies that parents must be believers. The parish also requires that at least one of its godfather and godmother be baptized. 

There are also legal conditions for a child to be baptized. Thus, baptism can take place provided that both parents consent. If one of the two parents opposes the baptism, it cannot be celebrated.

What is the role of the godfather and the godmother?

The child may have a godfather or a godmother or both. Both or at least one of the two must be Catholic. “They must necessarily have received the sacraments of Christian initiation (baptism, confirmation, Eucharist) ”, let the Catholic Church know in France. 

These people, other than the parents of the baptized, must be over 16 years old. The choice of godfather and godmother is often difficult but important: their role is to accompany the child on the path of faith, throughout his life. They will support him in particular during the preparation and celebration of the sacraments (Eucharist and confirmation). 

On the other hand, the godfather and the godmother have no legal status in the event of the death of the parents.

How does the Catholic baptism ceremony take place?

Baptism takes place according to specific rituals. The highlights of the ceremony are:

  • the pouring three times (in the shape of a cross) of holy water on the child’s forehead by the priest. At the same time as he performs this gesture, the priest pronounces the formula “I baptize you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. Then, he anoints (rubs the forehead) the child with the Holy Chrism (mixture of natural vegetable oil and perfumes), lights a candle and gives it to the godfather or the godmother. This candle is the symbol of the faith and the light of the Christian for his whole life. 
  • the signing of the register which formalizes religious baptism by parents, godfather and godmother. 

The baptismal mass can be collective, that is to say that several children are baptized during the ceremony (each individually blessed by the priest). 

At the end of the ceremony, the priest gives the parents the baptismal certificate, a document necessary for the child’s registration for catechism, first communion, confirmation, marriage or to be godfather or godmother at the to come up. 

The celebration most often continues with a party with family and friends during which the child receives many gifts. 

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