A great way to have fun in nature is relay races for children. In them, everyone can show dexterity, quickness of reaction, activity. Children show themselves physically and mentally, while having fun, therefore, children always like these competitions and become a source of pleasant memories and positive emotions.
Before the start of the competition, it is imperative to draw the start and finish lines. Also, for teams, you need to allocate tracks for races about 10 m wide, and no more than 30 m long.
Relays for children develop agility and teamwork
The next relay is suitable for children 5-7 years old. For her you need 2 potatoes and 2 tablespoons. At the start, you need to put the potatoes in a spoon and carry them to the finish line. Turn around there, go back and transfer your cargo to the next participant.
If the potato has fallen, you can pick it up, but not with your hands, but with a spoon. The winner is the team whose members completed the task faster. For older children, the conditions of the competition can be complicated – for example, at the finish line, each participant needs to sit down 5 times with a spoon in hand and only after that return to the team.
This relay can be carried out indoors. Children are divided into 2 teams of 6 people. Roles are distributed – who is the grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse. In this sequence, they get up at the start. At the end of each running segment, a chair is placed on which the participant representing the turnip will sit. To attract the interest of children and personify himself as the heroes of a fairy tale, a hat or a rim with a paper turnip is put on him.
On command, the players begin the competition. First, the “grandfather” of each team runs, runs around the turnip and runs back. At the start, a “grandmother” clings to him from behind, they go the same way with a “locomotive”. The winner is the team that reaches the turnip faster with its full complement. The chain ends with a mouse.
Relays can be not only of a sporting nature, but also train logic, reaction and thinking. For example, the “Letters” games. A large group of children is needed to carry it out. They are divided into 2 teams, one leader is chosen – he needs to find a place on the dais to see the participants from above.
When the leader names any letter, the players must lay out or line it up with themselves. Whose team is the first to cope with the task more than once, is declared the winner.
Running relay races is a good way to keep children busy, especially on the street. They improve physical fitness, learn to work in a team and have a bright time.