Leapfrog game: Russian folk, rules, description
Leapfrog game can be very beneficial. Playing it in nature, children breathe air and take sun baths. And the mobile nature of the game contributes to the training of various muscle groups.
Leapfrog game – Russian folk fun
This is an old Russian game. It appeared among the people more than 5 centuries ago. Such a game is a good opportunity to diversify the leisure time of children.
Leapfrog is good for muscle development
This fun will help fill the child’s need for communication and movement. They laugh and jump.
But we must remember that this game requires a lot of physical strength. Therefore, untrained players get tired quickly, they need to rest or play something calmer.
It is fun to play it on the sandy beach after swimming. The game will help you keep warm and dry. And if you want to play in a room where there is little space and a hard floor, then you can sit in a circle and cover the floor with something soft.
It is best played outside. A minimum of 2 people are required to play. If there are more children, it will only become more fun.
The game resembles school jumps over the “goat”. One child plays the role of a sports equipment that they jump over, and the second child jumps over it.
If there are more than two players, then one participant in the game jumps over several children. At the same time, the children squat down one after the other. The distance between them should be at least one meter. One person, starting from the end, jumps in turn over the children sitting one after the other in a chain. Having jumped to the beginning of the chain, he also squats. And the one who was at the end of the chain gets up and jumps over everyone, the cat sits in front of him.
Since the game involves falling, it is better to play it on grass, on a sandy shore or on soft ground.
You don’t have to squat. If the players are old enough and have good physical training to jump over a high obstacle, then you can simply stand up bent over.
It is important for the player acting as an obstacle to take a stable position. If he does not stand well, he may fall when people jump over him. The head must be lowered so that it does not hit when jumping.
This old Russian fun can be played not only by teenagers, but also by adults. It is desirable that the players be of about the same height, age and physical development.
This fun allows you to develop strength, dexterity, courage, coordination of movement, a sense of balance.