Red spots on the neck: treatment with folk remedies. Video
Red spots on the neck can appear for a variety of reasons, either due to allergic reactions or skin conditions. It can also be one of the signs of an over-excitability of the nervous system or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is best to be examined by a doctor. And to get rid of the aesthetic discomfort caused by the appearance of red spots on the neck, there are home remedies. With their help, the spots will either disappear altogether or become less noticeable.
What causes red spots on the neck
Pityriasis versicolor is often the cause of red spots. The causative agent of this disease is a yeast-like fungus that multiplies in the upper layer of the skin and causes disruptions in the work of melanocytes – cells where the dark pigment melanin is synthesized, as a result of which spots appear on the skin.
They become more noticeable with the following factors:
- high temperature
- great physical exertion
- stress
- contamination of the skin
- increased sweating
Home methods should be used along with the medication prescribed by your doctor. It is necessary to strictly monitor body hygiene, take a shower often, wear only clothes made from natural fabrics (100% cotton is best), minimize stressful situations, and avoid heavy physical exertion.
Heavy sweating can also be prevented by using antiperspirants or by regularly wiping the skin with cotton swabs dipped in chamomile, horsetail, and oak bark infusion.
It is also recommended to wipe the skin with acidified water, adding a little lemon juice or table vinegar to it. In this case, the spots will become slightly lighter. You can also use a weak salicylic acid solution for this purpose or wipe the skin with a lemon peel, but be careful, because such a procedure can cause an allergic reaction.
Red spots on the neck can also appear due to atopic dermatitis. Its characteristic symptom is severe itching. In most cases, this disease occurs due to malfunctions in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to taking medications recommended by your doctor, you must follow a strict diet, excluding a number of foods from your diet.
These include:
- soups based on rich broths
- citrus
- grilled meat
- smoked meats
- mushrooms
- chocolate
- canned food
- pickled foods
- red berries (e.g. strawberries, wild strawberries, red currants)
As a rule, with a diet, after a while the spots either disappear or become much less noticeable.
In some cases, the spots quickly disappear if they are smeared with sour cream or serum. You can also use a decoction made from parsley.
To make the stains less dark, you can use cucumber juice mixed with freshly squeezed aloe. Use cosmetic clay as well.
There are often cases when the appearance of red spots is due to:
- increased nervous irritability
- strong feelings
- excitement
This is typical, as a rule, of too impressionable, vulnerable people with a heightened sense of responsibility. They are very afraid of making a mistake, getting into an awkward position, letting other people down, so they are often very worried. And the aesthetic discomfort caused by the appearance of red spots on the neck only aggravates their condition, leads to even greater nervous tension. It turns out a vicious circle.
No wonder many famous doctors in the old days argued that all diseases are from nerves
How can you help in this situation? First of all, it is necessary to minimize all the reasons that can cause increased nervous excitability, excitement. Much depends on family and friends. The most effective home remedies include a relaxed, welcoming family environment. It is necessary in every possible way to avoid quarrels, claims, high-pitched conversations.
A weak tea with the addition of soothing herbs helps well:
- lemon balm
- motherwort
Observe the following rules:
- streamline your daily routine
- reduce the load
- be outdoors more often
- lead a healthy lifestyle
The reason for the appearance of spots on the neck
You should also get positive emotions wherever possible. Watch humorous programs, read collections of anecdotes, recall funny, funny stories that happened to you, your family, friends or acquaintances.
Engage in self-hypnosis. Try to shake off your over-feeling of responsibility. Repeat to yourself regularly: “I am an ordinary person, I have the right to make mistakes.”
Sign up for auto-training, engage in psychological exercises, visit a psychologist
However, with all the undoubted benefits and effectiveness of the above home remedies for treatment, remember that only a doctor can establish the exact cause of the appearance of red spots on the neck. Moreover, spots can appear due to a number of diseases. Be sure to undergo a complete medical examination, take tests and strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors. This will help you get rid of red spots on your neck and prevent them from appearing in the future. Do not self-medicate, first of all, determine the cause of the appearance of spots, and then adjust the treatment.