


For more information, you can consult the Psychotherapy sheet. There you will find an overview of the many psychotherapeutic approaches – including a guide table to help you choose the most appropriate – as well as a discussion of the factors for successful therapy.

Decrease anxiety, depression and body tension.


What is rebirth?

Le rebirth, created in the early 1970s by the American Léonard Orr1, is part of the mainstream of humanist therapies of the 1960s. This current opened up the psychotherapeutic field to dimensions bodily, emotional et spiritual of being. The method was further developed in France by the psychologist Dominique Levadoux, who incorporated notions and concepts of psychoanalysis and gestalt into it.

Technically, the practice of rebirth is very simple: it is about breathe nonstop for about 1 hour, taking care not to pause between inhaling and exhaling. This “circular” breathing would restore the contact with experiences or aspects of us that our body has “secretly” kept in memory, but that we tend to avoid in normal life … by stopping breathing for a few moments.

According to practitioners, the uninterrupted and conscious breathing allows these memories to rise to the surface. One can then get rid of them in the case of tensions or traumas, or allow them to flourish in the case of creative energies.

Le rebirth is as much a therapy than a tool of for sustainable staff. It does not only apply to people who “have problems”, but also to those who want to have more control over their lives. The approach proposes toface problems or fears rather than trying to work around them. It is not uncommon that in addition to witnessing liberation from blockages or traumas, subjects speak of experiences of supreme well-being, of perfect unity or of openness to “spiritual” dimensions.

Le rebirth, which experienced its greatest popularity in the 1980s, saw its image tarnish in April 2001. Two American therapists were sentenced to 16 years in prison for criminal negligence of a 10-year-old child who died of suffocation during a rebirth. year earlier. During the trial, the rebirth technique itself was not questioned. The followers of rebirth have also pointed out that it was not the rebirth itself that had caused death, but the technique of ” choking simulation “. They also made it clear that the 2 therapists had not been adequately trained in rebirth.2. But several doctors and psychologists took the opportunity to denounce the lack of supervision of a potentially dangerous practice.3.

Let us mention that rebirth, renaissance, palingenesis et conscious breathing are all synonymous.

Therapeutic applications of rebirth

Practitioners rebirth claim that it can help improve several problems related to breathing: respiratory failure, asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc. Likewise, it would be indicated in the case of psychosomatic problems: insomnia, phobias, bulimia, anorexia, asthenia, anxiety, depression, drug dependence, etc. However, to date, only one scientific publication on rebirth has been published.4.

 Decrease anxiety, depression and body tension. During a clinical trial4, 12 people suffering from adjustment disorder with humor depressed participated in 10 rebirth sessions of 45 to 60 minutes each, spread over 3 months. Compared to the start of the study, the results indicate a decrease in anxiety, depression and body tension after 3 months. In addition, these improvements were still present 8 weeks later. However, the sample size and the lack of a control group limit the scope of this trial. Further studies are needed to validate the effectiveness of rebirth.


  • We must approach the rebirth with the same basic precautions as any activity aerobic intense, like the practice of a sport. Moreover, as Michael Grant White, himself a “rebirther” and breath specialist, points out, “rebirth is one of the most powerful transformation techniques ever devised. It can turn out to be ecstatic or catastrophic. The good part is being able, simply through the breath, to feel an indescribable liveliness, to come into contact with the omnipotence of the meaning of one’s life, and to experience states of consciousness that defy description. The bad side comes from the danger of finding oneself energetically unbalanced, mentally confused and emotionally disoriented, in short, of being completely lost »5.
  • Rebirth can indeed bring back experiences traumatic deeply buried. It is therefore essential to ensure that the worker is able to support the client, no matter what. Ideally, get a recommendation from someone you trust. The speaker must not only be “rebirther”, but also psychotherapist. Check what was his training, what his experience of “rebirther” is, how many rebirths he himself has experienced and if he is part of a professional association.

Rebirth in practice

Le rebirth is practiced in growth centers or in private consultation. It can also serve as a one-off means of intervention within a psychotherapy classic.

In growth centers, it is often used as a primary tool for weekend workshops.

In private practice, there is generally a minimum of 3 meetings of 2 to 3 hours (including 1 hour of actual rebirth) spread over 3 to 6 weeks.

Rebirth training

Training in rebirth is not subject to formal standards. It necessarily includes a good personal experience of rebirth (dozens of sessions) and customer support, first under supervision and then independently.

Basic training can be given by experienced workers (psychotherapists, psychologists, “rebirthers”). It is then a question of development for professionals already experienced in the helping relationship.

Some centers also offer “ rebirth guide Which include the whole approach of counseling. These trainings can last up to 2 years.

Rebirth – Books, etc.

Grelet Nadine. The breath of life, Quebecor Publishing, Canada, 1991.

The author of this book uses her ten years of experience as a psychotherapist using rebirth to deliver a very complete book on the various dimensions of the experience. A very nuanced book while being daring.

by Vinci Anne-Marie. Conscious breathing, Ronan Denniel editor, France, 1994.

A book that deals with rebirth, but which speaks above all about breathing: repressed, blocked, retained or so full, clear and invigorating. The author speaks from the heart of spontaneous breathing and free breathing. Inspiring.

Sidelsky René. Rebirth, the liberating power of the breath, Guy Trédaniel editor, France, 1995.

This book looks at rebirth from the point of view of birth. How to heal the trauma of his birth and how to make the birth of children now as traumatic as possible.

Orr Leonard, Halbig Konrad. Rebirth – The art of conscious breathing, Éditions Dangles, France, 1994.

The basic manual. A practical guide written by Leonard Orr, the creator of rebirth, who explains and teaches his method of breaking free from old blockages both physical and psychic.

Leonard Jim, Laut Phil. The rebirth. The art of enjoying life to the fullest, MCL Publishing, Canada, 1984.

A classic that thoroughly describes the rebirth technique and places it in the larger framework of personal growth. It deals with liberation from one’s past, the technique of creative affirmations, forgiveness and even immortalist philosophy.

Rebirth – Sites of interest

Corporation of Quebec Palingénésistes

The site is fairly rudimentary, but gives basic information on rebirth in Quebec.

Three of the pioneers in the use of rebirth in Quebec

Authentic Center

Evolutia Growth

Institute for the Development of the Person

Sites that promote rebirth in France

Conscious breathing

Organization of Evolution Seminars

Optimal Breathing

Everything about the breath and the breath. Record of rigorous clinical studies on the importance of breathing and its links to health.

The Philadelphia Rebirthing Center

An interesting reference site and links all over the world.

Rebirthing Breathwork International

The sites of the creator of the rebirth, Leonard Orr.

Sondra Ray

One of the American pioneers. A follower of “immortalism”, for her rebirth is sacred.

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