You can make him discover the pleasure of reading through the pleasure of… laughing. By playing with words or sounds.
Crosswords, playful exercises, nursery rhymes, sticky letters to place in exercise books … the editors, aware that parents start to worry about the educational adventures of their children from the small kindergarten section, do not lack imagination and tips! As proof, our small selection of visual, graphic and stimulating “reading methods”.
From the age of 4
My first kindergarten method, Larousse
A method devised by two school principals and which is aimed at all kindergarten children, from small to large section. A “graphics-writing” booklet and a “math” booklet complete this new collection where the image has its place.
From the age of 5
Read the sounds …
Caroline Desnoettes – Isabelle d’Huy de Penanster
A collection of four albums which make it possible to manipulate sounds (which click, which sing, which blow, which resonate) and help the child to access the pleasure of reading.
From the age of 6
Gafi the ghost – reading method
Alain Bentolila
A single letter differentiates reading and laughing … and it is by leading the apprentice reader in hilarious adventures that Gafi will teach him to read.
Hard, hard, reading?
The second trimester is already well advanced and yet your child is still struggling with words, still focusing on syllables … Before rushing to private lessons, give him a little help by leafing through reading books with him and sounds.
Before worrying about his reading difficulties, and about putting pressure on him (you?), Remember that children have until the end of CE1 to acquire fundamental learning and that it is not because ‘he does not yet read fluently that he is putting his school future in danger! He just needs a little more time than the “average” in the class. But, next year, for maths, it may be him who will prance in the lead!
The taste of books
Before even thinking about “private lessons” or “exercises”, register your child in the library of your municipality. Take a walk with him between the shelves, let him leaf through the books as he pleases without directing him to this or that author, such or that collection. But guide him in his visit anyway by teaching him to spot the different types of books (novels, albums, documentaries, comics…).
He prefers to immerse himself in a comic book? Never mind ! Offer to borrow one or two. And, whether in his bedroom or in the living room, set up a reading corner of his own, where he will store his first books, his first magazines … and discover the pleasure of finding them, of disturbing them, of leafing through them. We cannot repeat it enough: reading should above all be a pleasure.
Finally, as advised by Rolande Causse, author of Qui lit petit, reads all his life: “Multiply the rituals! Story read in a moment of freedom, before the meal, during or after the bath, or take advantage of a chance of free time … But let the child choose his book, so the taste for books develops. “
Under the baobab, Boubou the baby babbles
He breathes, sighs, declares, in a desperate tone, “that he will never succeed”: above all, do not let him give in to discouragement. Remind him, with humor, that not all trains run at the same speed, but that all end up arriving at the station! And, it is not because his best friend in class has already devoured the first four volumes of “The magic hut” that he must conclude that he is “zero from zero”!
To help him, do not hesitate to accompany him in his progress, by leafing together the pages of a method of reading accompanied by exercises.
The choice of a so-called “classic” reading method sometimes bears fruit. The good old Boscher method “The day of the little ones” (at Belin) which dates from 1907 has never been so successful, despite its outdated graphics! Praised for its sense of pedagogy, it sells between 80 and 000 copies per year!
Clémentine Delile’s method “Reading book to learn to read step by step” (at Hatier) has also its share of success because it is based on a traditional syllabic method which works by association of letters, then sounds. , to compose words and sentences.
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