The habitual rhythm of life has changed, has become slower and, of course, this threatens to affect the state of the body and skin. How to prevent weight gain, how to optimize nutrition for quarantine conditions?
1. Move
Optimize your activity in favor of movement – walk up the stairs instead of the elevator, use any excuse to get up and walk. Walk to the store. It’s a good idea to get a treadmill.
2. Drink plenty of water
If you work from home, keep a bottle of water on your desk that is equal in volume to the amount you need per day. And in the dining room, put a jug of water in a conspicuous place. Fill containers in the evening so that water is always at hand in the morning. Plain water will help dull hunger and normalize the water-salt balance, speed up the metabolism. And also, every time your hand reaches for a snack, drink water first, because sometimes our body confuses the feeling of hunger with thirst.
3. Drink green tea
If you often snack with a hot drink, swap out coffee and black tea for sugar-free green tea. This type of tea gives a lot of energy, tones, normalizes metabolism and helps the body cleanse of toxins.
4. Have a full meal
If earlier the whole family gathered at the table only in the evening for dinner, now there is an opportunity to see each other more often. And also – have dinner early! But pay the main attention to lunch, do not skip it for work worries, since you run the risk of making up for the calories lost at lunch due to snacks or a hearty dinner, which the body will push you to. And this is already a time bomb, which sooner or later will “explode” with extra centimeters at the waist.
5. Snack right
Do you work from home at the computer and often visit the kitchen in between meals? Make sure your snacks are healthy.
- unsweetened natural yoghurts,
- low-fat cheeses,
- whole wheat bread,
- lean meat
- smoothie,
- freshly squeezed juices full of healthy fiber.
Be careful with nuts and dried fruits – high in calories, therefore, very little.
6. Keep track of what you eat
This will make it easier to track calories and calculate the volume of your upcoming dinner. Do not be lazy and honestly write down everything you ate for at least one day. And in the evening, analyze – isn’t it a lot?
Sooner or later, the quarantine will end and each of us will return to our usual way of life. Try not to take with you new kilos that appeared during the forced sitting at home. It is much better to use this time, on the contrary, to get yourself in shape! Yes, this is a great challenge to self-discipline and willpower, but who said that you are not one of the winners ?!
Recall that earlier we talked about which 8 products are most often recommended by nutritionists, as well as how we will celebrate Easter in 2020.