Pumpkin cupcakes

How to prepare a dish “Pumpkin cupcakes»

First, mash the pumpkin with a blender, then mix all the ingredients and put them into molds

Recipe ingredients “Pumpkin muffins»:
  • 300 g of pumpkin
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 g sweetener
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder
  • 100 g corn flour
  • 5 g flaxseed

Nutritional value of the dish “Pumpkin cupcakes “(per 100 grams):

Calories: 119.3 kcal.

Squirrels: 5 gr.

Fats: 3.2 gr.

Carbohydrates: 18.7 gr.

Number of servings: 4Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe ” Pumpkin cupcakes»

ProductMeasureWeight, grWhite, grFat, gAngle, grCal, kcal
pumpkin300 g3003.90.923.184
chicken egg2 pcs11013.9711.990.77172.7
xylitol1 gr1000.983.67
baking powder0.5 tsp.3.5000.692.77
dietary corn flour100 g1007.21.570.2330
flax seeds5 gr50.922.111.4526.7
Total 5202616.597.2619.8
1 serving 1306.54.124.3155
100 grams 10053.218.7119.3

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