Puff tortilla is TikTok’s new hit

The TikTok app is one of the most popular social networking sites right now. Fashion, beauty and even culinary trends are born here. Recently, the recipe for the quick puff pastry with filling has become a real hit. The tortilla recipe went viral with the hashtag #tortillatrend. 

A life hack of how to cook a puff tortilla with different fillings just blew up TikTok, so it’s a quick and simple recipe. Such a tortilla can be either a snack or a substitute for a regular lunch. Nothing fancy – you just need to have tortillas and your favorite ingredients on hand.

How to make a flaky tortilla

  1. Place the cake on a flat surface and cut it halfway with a sharp knife.
  2. Put different pieces for each quarter of the cake. The first can be topped with cheese, the second with avocado, the third with sauce, and the fourth with meat or fried tofu.
  3. Next we move on to assembly. We start on the left side and work clockwise.
  4. The last step is to put the toasted tortilla on the toaster. 
  5. We set the temperature and time depending on your preferences. And after a while we enjoy a delicious dish!

Bon appetit!


Photo: helloyummy.co

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Recall that earlier we told how to cook a classic Spanish tortilla, and also shared a video recipe for tortilla with potatoes. 

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