- general description
- Causes
- Symptoms and classification
- Complications
- Prevention
- Treatment in mainstream medicine
- Healthy foods for psychopathy
- ethnoscience
- Dangerous and harmful foods for psychopathy
- Information sources
General description of the disease
It is a pathology that balances mental health and mental illness. Translated from Greek, psychopathy is interpreted as soul suffering… At least 2% of the world’s population suffers from this mental disorder.
With psychopathy, personality changes occur, as a result of which one of the character traits prevails in a person, and negative traits are enhanced. As a rule, the patient requires increased attention from others, admiration, is distinguished by demonstrative behavior, conflict, low empathy, deceit. At the same time, the patient’s intellect does not change, so a lot of people with this mental disorder occupy high positions.[3]
Patients with this personality disorder should not be considered mentally ill. According to statistics, men are more susceptible to psychopathy.
This pathology can be diagnosed no earlier than 12 years old, since up to this age the child’s psyche is not yet stable enough.
The specific reasons for the development of psychopathy have not yet been established, however, there are such theories of its development:
- intrauterine damage to the fetus;
- childbirth injuries;
- early brain damage;
- improper upbringing, ignoring the feelings and interests of the child;
- congenital features of temperament;
- low standard of living and other unfavorable social factors;
- increased impressionability;
- violence or difficult psychological environment in school or family.
Symptoms and classification
Symptoms of psychopathy depend on the degree and form of the personality disorder. There are the following types:
- 1 asthenic – people with this type of mental disorder are very impressionable, timid, cowardly, their nervous system is quickly excited, but also quickly and exhausted. Such people are often fixated on their state of health, they do not tolerate the sight of blood, they are prone to panic attacks, they react painfully to rudeness and rudeness. Asthenic psychopaths often complain of nightmares, pain in the heart, they quickly get tired, shy, indecisive, do not tolerate physical activity;
- 2 psychoasthenic – psychopaths of this type are shy, constantly doubting themselves and others, shy, but at the same time have painful pride. Such individuals do not tolerate serious changes in their usual way of life: divorce, change of job or place of residence. Despite this, such people are executive and disciplined;
- 3 schizoid – such people are prone to autistic fantasies, they are emotionally cold even with close relatives, do not show dislike or sympathy for others. As a rule, they are uncommunicative and withdrawn, unable to experience pleasure, live only by their own interests, their goal is maximum self-satisfaction. Representatives of this type of psychopathy are often considered eccentric. Thanks to their non-standard thinking, they can achieve a lot in music and art;
- 4 paranoid – paranoid people are distinguished by increased conceit, they are persistent and stubborn, they only recognize their point of view. They are characterized by a desire for leadership, straightforwardness, conflict, such people are touchy, jealous and rancorous. Paranoid people react painfully to the fact that others ignore their opinion. Often they are fixated on their health, persistently demand additional examinations and consultations, without any reason for this;
- 5 epileptoid – psychopaths of this type are easily excitable, irritable, quick-tempered, they are characterized by frequent bouts of rage and anger, after which they quickly “move away” and fully admit their guilt. Epileptoid psychopaths can argue about any reason and find fault with everyone, even over trifles. They are prone to selfishness, gloomy, sometimes unbearable, can cause bodily harm to others and therefore are quarrelsome both in everyday life and in the work collective. At the same time, they are flattering, they like to use diminutive words in communication. People of this type are uncompromising, vindictive, like to mock people who are not able to fight them back, often prone to drunkenness, drug addiction and gambling;
- 6 hysterical – hysterics crave recognition, at every opportunity they demonstrate their superiority over others, they love theatrical gestures with wringing of hands, loud sobs for show. People with this type of psychopathy are distinguished by an immature infantile psyche, in order to be in the spotlight, they can slander themselves, for example, confess to a crime that they have not actually committed. They often change their mood and attitude towards others from sympathy to hatred, they live by emotions, not reason;
- 7 cycloid – divides psychopaths into 2 types: constitutionally depressive and constitutionally agitated. Representatives of the first type are gloomy, always dissatisfied with everything, they are in a bad mood, they are uncommunicative and pessimistic. At the same time, they are good performers, disciplined, and conscientiously carry out assignments. Usually they are laconic, restrained and try not to express their opinion once again. Personalities of the second type always have a great mood, they are sociable, optimistic and love to talk. They are proactive, self-confident, prone to adventurism, they always have many different ideas. As a rule, they have increased sexual desire and they are not always picky in relationships;
- 8 unstable – individuals of this type of psychopathy are characterized by weak-willedness, they are easily subject to the attention of others, if they get into a bad company, they quickly become drug addicts or drink too much. At work and at home, they want to please everyone, they are not able to concentrate for a long time, they require control;
- 9 antisocial – representatives of this type of psychopathy believe that they do not have a sense of duty to loved ones and to society as a whole. They are alien to manifestations of sympathy for others, they are absolutely indifferent to censure and praise.
Strong emotional upheavals or the impact of other factors in people with psychopathy can provoke painful reactions. For example, with intense mental stress (insomnia, mental fatigue, anxiety about some events), schizoids and asthenics develop an acute asthenic reaction or neurasthenia. At the same time, patients get tired not only from physical, but also from mental work, they are worried about headaches, absent-mindedness, drowsiness. Most patients complain of memory problems, information is not assimilated, decisions are made with great difficulty.
If the condition worsens, according to the testimony of a doctor, psychopaths can be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, and after discharge they are observed in a dispensary.
In order to prevent exacerbations and neurotic reactions, psychopaths should be protected as much as possible from adverse influences, traumatic experiences and a work orientation should be stimulated.
Parents should remember that the foundations of a person’s mental health are laid from early childhood, and if you do not pay attention to minor nervous manifestations in a child, they can eventually turn into serious nervous disorders. Psychopathic children should be taught healthy interests that are appropriate for the child’s age and develop existing skills.
Treatment in mainstream medicine
When diagnosing psychopathy, psychiatrists often make mistakes, since the symptoms of this pathology are similar to schizophrenia and paranoia.
Since psychopathy is not considered a disease in the literal sense of the word, treatment is just as difficult to find. To control emotions, psychotropic drugs are recommended, for example, antidepressants are prescribed for depressive conditions, and tranquilizers are indicated for anxiety disorders.
Psychopaths often suffer from sleep disturbances, so they are prescribed sleeping pills or tranquilizers. However, it is believed that the main role in the therapy of psychopathy should be assigned to psychotherapy, with the help of which personality attitudes can be corrected.
Healthy foods for psychopathy
The founder of psychiatry F. Pinel believed that the primary cause of insanity is located in the stomach and intestines. Not only psychiatrists, but also gastroenterologists argue that a person’s mental health depends on what happens in his digestive tract and that there is indeed a connection between the intestines and the brain.
Most parents with psychopathic children have never received nutritional advice from neurologists. In fact, proper nutrition has been shown to reduce the risk of depression.
In order to maintain your mental health, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- give preference to food of plant origin: seeds, nuts, herbs, fruits, fresh vegetables;
- consume red meat at least 4-5 times a week as a source of protein and a storehouse of B vitamins;
- chicken and quail eggs are a powerful source of amino acids and tryptophan;
- give preference to marine fish that are grown in fish farms.
Traditional medicine for psychopathy
For effective therapy of psychopathy, complex treatment is needed, which also involves the use of traditional medicine:
- 1 drink before bedtime a soothing drink – a decoction of fresh mint leaves;
- 2 1 tbsp place dry crushed mint leaves in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for 10-12 hours and drink 13 glasses three times a day[2];
- 3 baths based on a decoction of peony roots have a good soothing effect, take it before bedtime. It helps to get rid of nightmares and anxiety;
- 4 infusion of oregano has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. For this, 2 tsp. fresh herbs are poured with 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist for half an hour, filter and drink 13 tbsp. 2-3 per day;
- 5 for the treatment of psychopathy, an infusion of linden flowers is recommended. Brew as tea and drink no more than 3 cups a day[1];
- 6 a drink made from dried lavender flowers has a powerful soothing effect, it is consumed before bed;
- + for psychopathy, relaxing baths are shown based on a decoction of fresh leaves and stems of rosemary;
- 8 an infusion of viburnum berries has a beneficial effect on the brain. The course of treatment should not last more than 20 days.
Dangerous and harmful foods for psychopathy
People with psychopathy should limit foods that excite the nervous system:
- alcoholic beverages;
- black coffee;
- chocolate;
- trans fats, sugar and salt;
- hard cheese varieties;
- fast food.
- Herbalist: golden recipes for traditional medicine / Comp. A. Markov. – M .: Eksmo; Forum, 2007 .– 928 p.
- Popov A.P. Herbal textbook. Treatment with medicinal herbs. – LLC “U-Factoria”. Yekaterinburg: 1999.— 560 p., Ill.
- Article: “Acute Pyelonephritis”, source
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