Psilocybe cubensis (Psilocybe cubensis)

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Hymenogastraceae (Hymenogaster)
  • Genus: Psilocybe
  • Type: Psilocybe cubensis (Psilocybe cubensis)
  • San Isidro
  • Stropharia cubensis

Psilocybe cubensis (Psilocybe cubensis) photo and description

Psilocybe cubensis – a species of fungi that is part of the genus Psilocybe (Psilocybe) of the strophariaceae family (Strophariaceae). Contains the psychoactive alkaloids psilocybin and psilocin.

Field: south of the USA, Central America, subtropical regions, on manure. We grow artificially at home on a culture substrate.

Dimensions: 10 – 80 mm ∅.

Color: pale yellowish, brownish in old age.

The form: first cone-shaped, then bell-shaped in old age, convex at the end (the end is bent upwards).

Surface: dirty, smooth. The flesh is firm, whitish, turns blue when damaged.

Dimensions: 40 – 150 mm long, 4 – 10 mm in ∅.

The form: uniformly thick, stronger at the base.

Color: white, turns blue when damaged, dry, smooth, white ring (remnants of Velum partiale).

Color: gray to grey-violet, whitish margins.

Location: from adnat to adnex.

Disputes: purple-brown, 10-17 x 7-10 mm, elliptical to oval, thick-walled.

ACTIVITY: Uniform. Very high.

According to the list of narcotic drugs, the fruiting bodies of any type of mushroom containing psilocybin and (or) psilocin are considered a narcotic drug and are prohibited for circulation on the territory of the Federation. The collection, consumption and sale of fruiting bodies of Psilocybe cubensis is also prohibited in other countries.

However, Psilocybe cubensis spores are not prohibited, but they can only be acquired or distributed for scientific research, otherwise it can be classified as preparation for a crime. But no laws regulate this process both from the side of the seller and from the side of the buyer, as a result of which spore prints are freely available both in the Federation and in other countries.

The legality of mycelium is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is not a fruiting body, but, on the other hand, it contains psychoactive substances.

Similar species:

  • Psilocybe fimetaria has conspicuous white remnants of the veil on the edges of the cap, growing on horse manure.
  • Conocybe tenera with mature brown plates.
  • Some species of the genus Panaeolus.

All these mushrooms are inedible or also have a hallucinogenic effect.

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