Prophetic dreams
Prophetic dreams are psychic clues. Knowing when and on what days dreams with special meaning occur, you can learn to decipher these clues and change your life. In our article we tell you how to do it.

The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, said: “The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it carries.” It is not for nothing that we used to call night visions with subtext prophetic dreams. They, like an internal oracle, not only suggest what is wrong, but also indicate where to run. Human consciousness is critical: sometimes it devalues ​​events that are important for his internal development, forcing him to perceive them as something insignificant.

Haven’t called your parents in a while? Nothing, then, – calms the mind. Didn’t talk heart to heart with the children? Time is like that. But the psyche can not be deceived – recognizing an obstacle that creates problems for the inner “I”, it sends us signals in a dream when consciousness loses its vigilance. She pushes the “owner” to concentrate on something, to rethink, hints at the correct outcome. After all, prophetic means predictive.

But a person cannot always distinguish when he has prophetic dreams, and when the brain simply draws meaningless pictures. Experts say it is possible to learn to recognize dreams with meaning and understand why they dream. You can even calculate when the “dream prophecy” will come true.

“It depends on what phase the dream was in,” explains numerologist and esotericist Anton Ushmanov. – It is conditionally possible to divide a dream into 3 intervals – the beginning, the middle and the end. If a prophetic dream had a dream in the first phase, then it will come true within a year. If in the second, in the middle of the night, then – within 6 months. If in the third, closer to the morning – for a month. If you saw a prophetic dream just before dawn, it will come true within 12 days. And if, before sunset – during the day.

In addition, it is useful to know what days of the week prophetic dreams occur.

What is a prophetic dream

Prophetic dreams are usually viewed from two positions – scientific and esoteric. From the point of view of science, sleep as such is the result of the work of the brain, which, as you know, never sleeps. Throughout its life, the human supercomputer has been busy modeling reality based on experience gleaned through receptors, hearing, smell, sight. The human brain processes a million signals per second. But while we are awake, we cannot realize the results of this “revision” – consciousness interferes.

“At night, when our rational part is resting, the brain calmly processes all the information for the day through the subconscious,” explains the process. psychologist Lyubov Ozhmegova. – And we see the images that the subconscious shows.

Just with their help, according to psychiatrist, psychotherapist, dream specialist, author of the first scientific Internet dream book in Runet Yaroslav FilatovaThe brain helps a person to understand how this or that situation will develop. In fact, the models that the brain builds are the very prophetic dreams. 

“Some say, they say, the brain predicts in a dream,” Filatov argues. – But it would be more correct to say – it models: the state of objects, the reactions of people. Brain models are built constantly, and in a dream they appear to us.

Esotericists and followers of spiritual practices associate the phenomenon of prophetic dreams with reading information from space.

“It happens unconsciously,” shares his thoughts. energy therapist, author of the life reconstruction method Alena Arkina, – Possible scenarios in real life are read.

“The most important thing in prophetic dreams is that, having seen them, a person can draw conclusions, realize the reasons for what is happening to him, get answers to questions,” sums up hypnologist Alexandria Sadofyeva.

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Why do you have prophetic dreams

Mystic Denis Banchenko sure: prophetic dreams are dreamed for three reasons. First, when a person was too close to an important event. Secondly, when the “genius of the earth” directly pushes him to pay attention to this or that situation. And thirdly, when consciousness reaches such a level of development that it itself conducts an information signal from the outside. 

– A person can capture the vibrations of space in the form of a beam of information (a future event), – explains energy therapist Alena Arkina. – In parallel, there is an infinite number of options for the development of events. And a person catches one of them in a dream. 

This happens when the brain and subconscious are trying to show the most likely scenarios for the future. But why does our supercomputer and inner self need this? Why should they show us where to go and where to spread the straw? 

“The brain is busy with what every minute helps us to survive,” recalls psychiatrist Yaroslav Filatov. If nothing bad happens, it doesn’t mean that there are no dangers. And the task of the psyche is to reveal our capabilities and abilities that will help in development. From the fulfillment of these tasks, prophetic dreams are born. 

In other words, in order for a person to “get a hat” less during wakefulness, the psyche tries to reach out to him at night. 

“Dreams dream of all living beings that have a soul,” assures esoteric Anton Ushmanov. – At night, we get the opportunity to live through some of the negative scenarios, “digest” them in a dream in order to avoid or learn how to cope live.

On what days prophetic dreams dream and come true


It is believed that empty dreams are dreamed on the first day of the week. There can be many emotions and experiences in them, but not very prophecies. But if the dream that occurred on Monday is vivid and memorable, you can try to decipher it. Perhaps he will suggest a solution to some small life task, but you should not look for a deep decisive meaning in it.


Dreams dreamed on Tuesday may come true. And, quite quickly – within two weeks. If the Tuesday dream is with a plus sign, it is better to make every effort to make it come true. And if with a minus sign, on the contrary, it makes sense to try to make sure that the dream does not come true. In fact, Tuesday is the day of choice, when you have to decide whether you want the dream to turn into reality or not. The consequences of inaction can be very unpleasant.


On Wednesdays, as esotericists say, there is not much trust in dreams. They are mostly empty. You don’t have to trust them too much. In the dreams that you had on Wednesday, as a rule, there are no prophecies, but there are “bells” regarding your character and personal qualities. They can be a revelation. Try to figure out what the psyche is signaling: this will help to work on yourself.


“Dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic” – this is how people think. And experts say it’s true: Thursday’s visions openly hint at the prospects and indicate how this or that situation will develop. Prophetic dreams that appeared on Thursday will come true within three years. Often on Thursdays, romantic, fabulous visions come. But in fact, they are far from romance as such. She is just a symbol. Even in such dreams, you need to look for important life prophecies.


Friday dreams are usually the most common. Deciphering them is just a waste of time. But if you dream of a romantic plot on Friday, it directly hints at a relationship with your soulmate. A bad dream “about love” does not bode well in reality. So be vigilant and take action.


Saturday sleep should be analyzed more closely. It may come true before noon. In addition, esotericists say that a dream that occurred on Saturday can predict not only your future: you can see in it what awaits your loved ones. I often have nightmares on Saturdays. They do not need to be afraid, but worth taking into account.


Sunday sleep can be “ordered”. If you concentrate well and formulate a desire (or question), you may dream of exactly the situation that worries you the most. Sunday dreams are often prophetic and come true quickly. Often on Sundays, good prophetic dreams are dreamed, predicting prosperity.

Popular questions and answers

What do you need to know about prophetic dreams in order to learn how to understand them? Here is what experts answer the most common questions about prophetic dreams.

Who has prophetic dreams?
According to psychiatrist Yaroslav Filatov, the most likely to see prophetic dreams are introverts – people who are closed and reasonable. They know how to delve into themselves, look at the little things and draw conclusions. In other words, prophetic dreams are for people who are sensitive to themselves, the signals of their body and to others. 

“And prophetic dreams are often dreamed of by those who trust their intuition,” adds psychologist-hypnologist Alexandria Sadofyeva. — And for those who are going through a difficult situation, whose internal resources are focused on solving a vital task.

People of science are convinced that in order to see a prophetic dream, no special abilities are needed. At the same time, esotericists assure: a predisposition to extrasensory perception increases the chances of getting more prophetic dreams. 

“The date of birth also plays a role,” he says. esoteric Anton Ushmanov. – People born on the 2,9,15,18,20nd, XNUMXth, XNUMXth, XNUMXth, XNUMXth of any month, as well as those born in February, September and October, are more inclined to perceive prophetic dreams than others. But there is a category of people who cannot have prophetic dreams. These are people who take intoxication, lead a dirty lifestyle in terms of hygiene and thoughts, in other words – in ignorance, greedy and prone to gossip. All this interferes with the perception of dreams or distorts their meaning. In addition, subtle entities can connect to such people in order to broadcast what is not really there.

How to understand that a prophetic dream?
– A prophetic dream clearly echoes reality, – says dream specialist Yaroslav Filatov. – It is about significant events for us. This is either a warning or a prediction. 

But a prophetic dream may not come true. For example, if a person, having seen something terrible in a vision, in reality will actively influence events in order to avoid trouble. And then the prophetic night vision, as it were, is no longer prophetic. 

– A prophetic dream can be recognized by the feeling with which you wake up, – teaches psychologist-hypnologist Sadofyeva. – It is bright, lively and can be repeated with a certain frequency. 

If a dream does not find parallels in everyday life, the recognition of the “degree” of its prophecy can be trusted to intuition and feelings. With this, assures mystic Denis Banchenkowomen do better than men. 

“Women have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain and the sensual sphere,” he explains. – They usually feel that the dream is prophetic. And it’s not just a feeling, it’s a signal. 

Well, if the signal did not happen, you can analyze additional signs: and prophetic dreams have them. 

– A prophetic dream is distinguished by detail, – lists energy therapist Arkina. – A person, waking up after a prophetic dream, can even remember tastes, smells, describe in detail events, textures. If a dream left an indelible imprint, an emotion, then it is prophetic.

When are dreams prophetic, and when are they not?
People of science, following the ideas of Uncle Freud, say: a person himself can make his dreams prophetic. Suppose you dreamed of a classmate with whom you had not communicated for many years. For what? What for? What does this dream mean? If nothing is done, it will turn out that absolutely nothing. But, if you call an old friend and talk heart to heart with her, the dream will become prophetic. Another thing, what exactly did the brain and psyche want to say with this dream? Perhaps he is a hint of a lack of communication, or perhaps a reminder of a mistake that should be corrected long ago. By the way, for our inner “I” there are no small topics. This “oak” consciousness believes that the meaning of a prophetic dream is global, pretentious and terrible. For the psyche, which collects the human gut bit by bit, everything is important. And what devalues ​​consciousness – especially. 

“I urge you to actively transform what is happening in your favor, to rethink reality,” campaigns psychotherapist Yaroslav Filatov. – I dreamed of an old friend – we call him. You need to allow yourself to make dreams prophetic. Poke around in them, pull out meanings, interpretations from them. But remember, sometimes a dream is just a dream. That’s what Sigmund Freud said.

Is it possible to distinguish a prophecy from a figurative picture? Psychiatrists and psychologists say yes. 

“The feeling of sleep matters,” explains Alexandria Sadofeva. – If you woke up with a clear understanding of “this means something” – it makes sense to delve into the dream. And if your previous day was filled with various events, then your REM phase (dream phase) will be a little longer than usual, and your dreams will be richer. Since the brain processes information during the REM phase, dreams are nothing more than processing information, sorting it by significance, redirecting it to one or another memory area. 

“Not prophetic” dreams almost do not leave an emotional response in our souls. And very quickly forgotten. 

– A simple dream – even if it was emotional, is erased from memory. — clarifies Alena Arkina. – Details are not remembered.

How to make it so that you had a prophetic dream?
Esoteric Ushmanov advises for prophetic dreams to turn to God, the guardian angel and ancestors. Mystic Denis Banchenko recommends resorting to meditation and sleeping in places with “displaced space”, whatever that means. Psychologist Alexandria Sadofyeva sends for installations on prophetic dreams to hypnologists. BUT dream expert Yaroslav Filatov answers this question like this: 

– You need to sincerely wish, say to yourself: I will try to remember everything and wake up with the memory of a dream. Might work.

When a person adjusts himself in this way, a so-called sentinel center is created inside his psyche, which prevents the images that come in a dream from slipping away. He seems to cling to them and pulls them to the surface. In this state, with an activated sentinel center, a person can even influence what happens in a dream. Have you heard of lucid dreams? It’s just about them.

– So that the brain does not wander anywhere, you can give it tasks before going to bed: for example, “let me dream about the resolution of this or that situation” – and describe it, – adds energy therapist Alena Arkina. – If you do this every night, then over time you will learn to control dreams and receive answers to requests. This is a painstaking, but very interesting work to unlock the potential of a person.

Waking up, you need to try to cling to the dream. Say to yourself “this dream is prophetic, but so far I don’t understand its meaning,” and try to twist this meaning out of it. A prophetic dream is an artifact cast ashore on the sea of ​​our conscious. But what to do with it is the question. Can be thrown back or used

“Much depends on how much you yourself want to make the dream prophetic,” says Yaroslav Filatov. – You should not be just a passenger looking out the window where the psyche shows forecasts for the future. 

Sleep, according to Sigmund Freud, is “the royal road to the unconscious.” And it speaks to us in the language of images and symbols. They are important to see and understand. 

“When you dream that you are being electrocuted, it’s not only about “don’t get in – it will kill you,” sums up Alexandria Sadofeva. – Context matters.

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