Program Janet Jenkins “Die in an hour” is one of the most popular and effective home workouts. Catching up with the Hollywood trainer, you will forever say goodbye to the flabby stomach, cellulite on thighs, fat on the arms and buttocks.
About training Janet Jenkins “Die in an hour”
Program Janet Jenkins Bikini Bootcamp or “Die in an hour” is a 75-minute aerobic-strength complex for the entire body. Intense, energetic and even a bit of extreme training with a Hollywood trainer can help you burn excess fat and tighten flabby body. If you think that the program Janet Jenkins are suitable only for beginners, then you are mistaken. Bikini Bootcamp will be interesting even to those who have already been doing with fitness.
The program consists of two parts. The first part is the aerobic training, elements of kickboxing and lots of jumping. It lasts 30 minutes and helps to burn fat and acceleration of metabolism. The second part is the force and consists of exercises with dumbbells for arms, legs and abs. It lasts 40 minutes and helps to achieve muscle tone. Engaging in regular strength and aerobic workouts, you will reduce the volume and will make your body elastic and sexual.
You can alternate the two training with each other: for example, one day do part strength, one day aerobic. And unable to perform 75-minute program as a whole, but less frequently, for example, 3-4 times a week. However, please note Janet Jenkins comes first, cardio workout, and then the power. And for all the fitness canons recommend to start with strength training and aerobic to complete. So it makes sense to swap these two parts.
For the “Die in an hour,” with Janet Jenkins you will need dumbbells and a gym Mat. The weight depends on your physical condition, but because the coach has included a lot of exercises for shoulders and arms, start with 1-1. 5 kg, especially if you are advanced in fitness. If when you first run the program will go hard, slow down or take breaksto catch your breath. Usually 3-4 exercises is enough to get involved. But if you’re not prepared, we recommend you to watch: Top best workouts for beginners.
The pros and cons of Bikini Bootcamp workout
1. The program consists of two parts: aerobic and strength. At your discretion you can alternate them or do one straight after the other.
2. All exercises of the power section give the load on several muscle groups. For example, you don’t just 6качаете biceps, and squat. This allows us to use bofa much greater number of muscles, and therefore burn maximum amount of calories.
3. Exercises from “Die in an hour,” and Janet Jenkins are currently available. There are no exotic movements and complex chords. If you’ve worked with Jillian Michaels, many of the exercise will be familiar.
4. In the power section Janet Jenkins has included exercises on key problem areas: arms, abs and legs. No concessions, only the total body working.
5. The whole exercise entirely takes place in a very intense pace. In 75 minutes you can burn 600-800 calories. Is 30-40% of the average daily calorie requirement, not bad, huh?
6. These single classes are good because you can always add them to your fitness plan to add variety to your workout or increase the load.
7. If you engage in the program 5-6 times a week (alternating between strength and aerobic part, for example), then for the month you will reach great results.
Cons and features:
1. In the aerobic part of many jumps and power squats. For people with troubled knees and varicose veins, such training is not desirable.
2. The program offers a very unusual sequence: first comes the cardio-the load, then power. By all the canons of fitness, you may want to do exercises with weights and only then proceed to the aerobic classes. If you perform these two types of training in a row, better to swap them.
3. Program Janet Jenkins “Die per hour” not suitable for beginners as well as those who have long engaged in fitness. Overall, it is workable, but it is better to give the body a sustained load.
Reviews for the program “Die in an hour,” from Janet Jenkins:
This is one of the most intense workouts with Hollywood trainer. If you’ve learned that there offers a gentle load, the “Die in an hour,” Janet Jenkins decided to raise the difficulty level.
We also recommend you to read: Jillian Michaels – overview of all training.