Products that benefit the skin

So the skin was radiant and looked well-groomed, and using makeup is not enough. All health and beauty come from within, and nutrition plays an important role. Avoid acne, dark circles, fading and dullness, wrinkles – give up bad habits, get enough sleep, and pay attention to the following products.


Grains contain a lot of vitamin B, a must-have for healthy-looking skin. It will soften skin and give it Shine, to help the production of collagen, make the skin more elastic. Also, grain cereals and improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract promote the elimination of toxins, which greatly affects the skin’s health.


Garbanzo beans are rich in trace elements and amino acids that affect wounds’ healing, removing redness and marks on the skin, reduces pigmentation. Chickpeas – the source of vegetable protein, is the basis for the renewal and growth of all body cells.

Fatty fish

Oily fish is a good source of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids; it helps relieve inflammation and permeates the skin. In the composition of fish vitamins a and D, which improve blood flow to the skin, it tightens and looks healthy.


Avocado supplies our body with vitamins, fatty acids of vegetable origin, minerals. This product is a source of vitamins A and E, which help reduce inflammation, positive effect on the treatment of eczema, acne, and other rash problems.

Products that benefit the skin

Olive oil

Olive oil is considered the elixir of youth. If you are worried about the skin’s condition and new wrinkles, you should pay special attention to it. This oil is rich in vitamin E, which can restore the skin, moisturize it, get rid of peeling. The skin will be straightened, tightened, becomes smooth and elastic.


Eggs are the main source of animal protein and various amino acids useful for the body in General and skin in particular. Thanks to them, the better skin recovery after damage, the formation of new cells to replace the old. Healthier will not only the skin but also hair and nails. Eggs can also be part of the homemade masks for the face.


Bright carrot – the source of beta-carotene will be the companion on the path to healthy skin. In combination with vitamins C and E, it smoothes the skin tone, eliminates pigmentation, slows the aging process.


Tomato – the source of lycopene, which acts as an antioxidant that protects the skin from UV exposure and free radicals. Tomatoes, even after the heat treatment, do not lose their beneficial properties.


All citrus fruits are an excellent tool in the fight for the health of the skin. They can be used both inside and outside the masks. Oranges, lemons contain lots of vitamin C, which promotes internal cleansing.

Products that benefit the skin

Red bell pepper

Another red supplier of lycopene and vitamin C. the antioxidant Properties in this vegetable growing, fresh bell pepper will adorn and complement any dish.


Apple is beneficial to your skin only if you use it together with the peel. In it are concentrated all the nutrients and vitamins. Apples improve gut motility and improve the digestive tract, which helps to improve the skin condition.


This berry is very beneficial for the skin. She is a weapon against early aging and the appearance of facial wrinkles, treatment of acne, and acne. Due to the high content of vitamin C, subcutaneous blood vessels’ nutrition improves, actively produced collagen. Strawberries contain ellagic acid that saves them from direct sunlight.


The composition includes pomegranate ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant, and is responsible for skin regeneration. Aging with regular consumption of pomegranate juice and juice of the fruit slows. Pomegranate – a source of 15 amino acids, synthesizes protein, which is important for building new epidermis cells.

Products that benefit the skin


Watermelon quenches your thirst and hydrates the skin, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. The contained vitamins C and A contribute to a healthy complexion and increase the body’s resistance to harmful influences from outside.


Nuts – a source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and coenzyme. Vitamin E gives the skin elasticity, and the coenzyme responsible for skin elasticity. With age, this substance in the body is becoming less and compensate for the lack of need time.

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