It is rare that a family has no food supply. You won’t run to the store every time you need to cook dinner. Alas, some foods deteriorate due to expiration date or improper storage. What is worth saving so that savings do not turn into waste?
White rice
Undoubtedly, brown rice is healthier, but due to the oil content in its composition, it has a maximum shelf life of 6 months. And white rice will lie in your bins for 30 years, only in a vacuum and in a cool place.
Do you think this is a useless product for storage on an industrial scale? After all, a very little salt is needed for the dish. However, salt can be used to store both meat and fish without refrigeration. Salt is stored for 5 years, or even longer. And even if it becomes a little damp, this will not affect its taste in any way.
The only downside to storing sugar is its ability to absorb moisture. Although at the same time it can also be used for its intended purpose without any problems. And you can also put sugar stocks next to those products for which moisture is undesirable – sugar will take all the wet blow on itself.
Powdered milk
Powdered milk can be used in baked goods or diluted with a recipe, as most of our manufacturers do. In addition, the vitamins stored in it will not disappear anywhere over time. Milk powder can become a stone from moisture, so provide it in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place.
Dried beans
Unpretentious, they are considered food for poor people. For little money, you get a very nutritious and healthy product, besides it tastes quite decent. Of course, over time, the beans lose quality, nevertheless, they are suitable for consumption within 30 years of storage.
This is a meat concentrate that tastes like beef jerky. This product is easy to digest, it has enough nutritious taste, but at the same time it takes very little to saturate it. This is more of a tourist ingredient, but it is very useful for building up a home strategic contingency reserve.
Honey is durable, and there are even rumors around this fact that archaeologists have repeatedly discovered honey during excavations, and after thousands of years it looked quite edible. I hope we won’t have to store honey for that long, but it’s a fact that it stands the test of time.
Soy sauce
Soy sauce is a concentrated product, and depending on the composition, it can be stored for different times. However, on average, soy sauce is stored for a long time, but only until the bag or bottle is opened. After the sauce is stored only in the refrigerator.
Klenovыy syrup
It is believed that maple syrup can last forever. We don’t need that much, but the prospect is tempting. The syrup is high in sugar and prevents germs from multiplying. Maple syrup can be passed down from generation to generation.
The alcohol, which is based on the concentrate, is not stored for long, but the natural product only gets prettier from time to time. Alcohol is useful for cooking, for pickling, and for the atmosphere and mood. Pure types of alcohol are also good antiseptics.