Products for a snow-white smile

The Hollywood smile is all the rage these days. But it is not enough to bring teeth to mind at a dentist’s appointment, you need to maintain their health and beauty on a daily basis. What products can you use to keep your teeth white?

Hard vegetables and fruits

In order for the teeth to be healthy, they must carry a certain load on a daily basis. Those who think that the easier food is to chew, the more useful it is for the body, are mistaken. In fact, hard varieties of fruits and vegetables – apples, carrots, celery – are a natural scrub for our teeth. They also promote the production of saliva, which protects our teeth and neutralizes excess acids. And the benefits of raw fruits and vegetables for digestion have long been proven.

Coarse vegetables massage the gums and protect teeth from yellow plaque. They also replenish the reserves of phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for the health and whiteness of your teeth.


Cheese and dairy products

Hard cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurts are rich in vitamins and trace elements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, D, which are needed not only by the teeth, but also by the entire body as a whole. They will protect teeth from dark plaque, stop tooth decay and relieve gum inflammation. In addition, dairy products, due to beneficial bacteria, improve the functioning of our digestive system, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth.

It is believed that a piece of hard cheese eaten at night replaces brushing your teeth.


Citrus fruits are very beneficial for our teeth and gums. They protect the delicate mucous membrane, relieve inflammation, remove yellow plaque from tooth enamel, and normalize the acidity level in the mouth. Remember that fresh citruses have this effect. Included in desserts, they do not carry any benefit, since they are overshadowed by sugar, which, on the contrary, worsens the condition of the teeth.

Fresh greens

Various greens – onions, dill, parsley, celery, salads, basil – are rich in vitamins B, E, C, PP, calcium and potassium, iron and phosphorus, which not only whiten teeth, but also help heal wounds on bleeding gums. Greens have antibacterial properties, which means they eliminate bad breath – you probably know this effect of parsley.


Nuts contain a lot of protein and are very beneficial for our body, for teeth and bones in particular. For whiteness of teeth, you should especially pay attention to cashews, pine nuts and almonds. Nuts have antibacterial and antiseptic properties, strengthen teeth and soothe gums, relieve toothache and help get rid of yellow plaque.

What should you avoid to keep your teeth white for as long as possible?

– Forget about coffee, tea, chocolate.

– You should not abuse alcoholic beverages, especially red wines.

Forget about carbonated drinks and cigarettes forever.

– Please note that some berries very strongly stain everything related to fillings in the teeth, including enamel.

– Soy sauce can darken your teeth as well as fruit juices.

– Sweets, especially caramel or candy, are also harmful to the integrity of your enamel.

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