The causes of skin problems are not always on the surface – its health begins with digestion. And it is very important at the same time what exactly you put on your plate. Acne, oily or dry, early wrinkles, age spots-exclude these products from your diet and the skin condition will noticeably improve.
Milk is a complex product, and it is intended for feeding offspring of one species. Even eco-milk contains a lot of hormones in its composition, which stimulate the restructuring of our own hormonal systems in our body. And lactose makes the skin more vulnerable to the action of steroids. As a result, there is a blockage of pores and other skin problems. But fermented milk products, on the contrary, will help to improve digestion, which will have a positive effect on the health of the skin.
Salty foods will inevitably provoke puffiness. First of all, it will be noticeable on the face – bags under the eyes, stretched skin and, as a result, more wrinkles. Salt is found in many sweet foods, where we would look for it in the last place. Therefore, make it a rule to reduce the use of salt, at least where you are able to control it. A liquid-water, green tea-will help you strengthen blood vessels and reduce swelling.
Sweet and flour is deposited not only on your waist, but also in the area of your cheeks and chin. Do you want a tightened skin on your face? Stop eating sweets. With an excess of sugar in the body, the reserves of vitamin B are depleted, and as one of the consequences of its lack is the destruction of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. And sugar in baking is an extra portion of fats that increase skin rashes.
Coffee is undoubtedly invigorating, as it contains cortisol-the “tension” hormone. Coffee will cheer you up, but you will sacrifice the beauty of your skin for this. Cortisol stimulates the sebaceous glands, leads to inflammation, clogged pores and rashes. Another disadvantage of coffee for your skin is that it reduces the digestibility of useful substances that you get together with other products. The skin ages quickly, does not have time to be saturated with moisture and loses its attractiveness.
Gluten is very insidious for sensitive skin. It damages the intestinal lining, disrupts digestion and absorption of useful substances, which affects the human immune system. And if you can exclude gluten without eating wheat, oats, rye and barley, then it is not always possible to fully control it in the composition of other products. It is definitely contained in sausages, factory yoghurts, ice cream, cheese, mayonnaise-read the label.