Preventive examinations for men of all ages. Do regularly
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Men, like women, should regularly report to preventive examinations. According to the principle that it is easier to prevent than to cure, thanks to prophylaxis, they will find out sooner that something disturbing is happening in our health. What preventive examinations should men perform? We divided them according to age.

Preventive examinations for men of all ages

Some preventive examinations should be performed at any age. Every man should do basic blood tests once a year – complete blood count, ESR, blood glucose, as well as a general urine test. You can ask for a referral for such an examination during the follow-up visit at the internist’s. It is also worth monitoring blood pressure and weight. It is also worth planning to measure the level of electrolytes in the blood once every three years (potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), and make an appointment for a lipid profile once every two years (once every two years after the age of 40). We reserve time for an appointment at the dentist’s once every six months.

Prophylactic examinations for men after 20 years of age

Between the ages of 20 and 40, the most cases of testicular cancer are recorded. For this reason, men should perform a prophylactic test of the testicles every month, and additionally see a doctor every three years. For men at risk of prostate cancer, regular proctological examination is also recommended.


Additionally, once every five years it is worth signing up for a chest X-ray (this is especially important for smokers) and an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

See also: Testicular cancer kills instantly

Prophylactic examinations for men after 30 years of age

After the age of 30, in addition to the tests listed above, men should also write down regular visits to an ophthalmologist in their calendar – once every two years or more often if they have a visual impairment. When it comes to self-examination of the testicles, you still have to remember about it and perform it at least once every six months. It is also worth visiting a doctor for a testicular examination every three years.

Men at risk of prostate cancer should still have regular proctological examinations.

See also: Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men. Disturbing data

Prophylactic examinations for men after 40 years of age

After the age of 40, the list of preventive examinations grows a little longer. Men should perform a lipid profile once every two years. People with a family risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, as well as those who are overweight and smoke cigarettes, should take a lipid profile every year. Men should visit an ophthalmologist every two years for an eye examination and fundus examination (glaucoma prophylaxis).

Additionally, it is advisable to perform an ECG once every three years, chest X-ray once every five years (smokers more often) and gastroscopy. In addition, as part of the prevention of colorectal cancer after the age of 40, it is worth performing a fecal occult blood test once a year. Between the ages of 40 and 50, it is also worth having a bone density test once.

For male-specific examinations, a rectal examination should be performed once a year as part of the prophylaxis of prostate cancer. A man should perform a test of the testicles once a month.

Prophylactic examinations for men after 50 years of age

Men over 50 should record a regular colonoscopy in their calendars – the examination should be performed every five years as part of colon cancer prevention. Additionally, a fecal occult blood test is performed once a year.


It is also worth signing up for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and an ECG once a year.

After the age of 50, the risk of developing prostate cancer increases, so men at this age are recommended to visit a urologist regularly and have a rectal examination. Additionally, once a year determination of PSA antigen, which is helpful in diagnosing neoplastic changes in the prostate. Monthly self-examination of the testicles and a doctor’s examination every three years is also recommended.

Most of these tests can be ordered by your GP. It’s worth taking advantage of.

Editors recommend:

  1. Habits that increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer
  2. Prostate diseases aren’t just cancer
  3. Regular prostate examinations are a man’s responsibility

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