Prevention of shingles
Measures to prevent the onset of shingles |
The best way to prevent it would be to not get chickenpox. However, this is not easy, because this virus is easily spread among young children. Vaccination against varicella provides some protection against shingles. However, it will take several more years to verify this hypothesis, given that this vaccine has only been offered since 1998 in Canada and 2004 in France. Note that the chickenpox vaccine is also intended for adults who have never had chickenpox. Strengthen your immune system. The best way to prevent the virus from becoming active again is to strengthen its immune system with a healthy diet, to the regular practice of physical activity and at periods of repos sufficient. A small controlled study of 36 people over the age of 60 indicates that the regular practice of tai chi improves the immune system against the chickenpox virus. Thus, tai chi would help prevent the reactivation of the chickenpox virus in the form of shingles1. Another study of 112 healthy adults aged 59 to 86 suggests that practicing tai chi strengthens the immune system against the chickenpox virus after the vaccination against chickenpox (Varivax®)18. Consult our sheet Strengthening your immune system. Shingles vaccine now available in Canada and France in the indication “Prevention of shingles and postherpetic pain in people over 65 years of age according to a one-dose schedule”. Zostavax® is a new vaccine that helps prevent shingles. It is intended for people aged 60 and over (65 years old in France) who have already had chickenpox. It is obtained by prescription and has certain contraindications. This vaccine is different from that intended to protect against chickenpox. It does not for sure protect against shingles, but halved the risk of being affected, on average. In addition, it decreases the severity of the symptoms of shingles, as well as the risk of neuralgia post-shingles (two-thirds). These data come from a study conducted by the manufacturer among 38 men and women aged 500 and over.14. The vaccine is more effective in people 60 to 69 years of age than in people 70 and older. In August 2008, Health Canada approved Zostavax®. Since September 2009, Canadians who wish can be vaccinated (only one dose is required, at a cost of $ 150). This vaccine has been marketed since 2006 in the United States, in certain countries of the European Union and in Australia. In France, it is reimbursed at 30% by Social Security in accordance with its indication.
Measures to prevent post-herpes zoster neuralgia |
It’s important to see a doctor as soon as the symptoms of shingles appear. He will prescribe antiviral treatments. When these are taken early, they probably help limit the onset of post-shingles neuralgia. If neuralgia does develop, antivirals taken early can shorten the duration. To avoid complications in eyes, it is also important to see an ophthalmologist as soon as the shingles affects the upper part of the face.