Prevention of psoriasis

Prevention of psoriasis

Preventive measures to decrease the frequency and intensity of eruptions

There is no known way to prevent Psoriasis. However, it is possible to reduce the frequency and intensity of relapses. In addition to careful monitoring of the prescribed treatment, it is possible to observe what triggers theonset of symptoms. This process requires time and patience.

Here are some general tips:

  • For a long time Sun exposure, it is advisable to apply an effective sunscreen (minimum SPF 15).
  • Alcohol consumption should be greatly reduced, if not completely eliminated22.
  • No smoking. Several studies37,38 clearly showed that the severity of psoriasis was related to the number of cigarettes smoked.
  • Some people with the disease see their disease improve considerably after losing a little weight. Consider modifying certain lifestyle habits accordingly if necessary.
  • Find solutions for better to manage stress. Stress is recognized to play a role in the onset or exacerbation of psoriasis flare-ups1,23. Anecdotally, it was observed that the severity of the symptoms of a patient followed for 20 weeks was clearly related to disturbing events in his life and his psychological distress.2. On this subject, consult our file Stress and anxiety.
  • People with the disease may possibly undergo psychotherapy in order to become aware of the events to psychic states at the origin of some psoriasis outbreaks.



Psoriasis prevention: understand everything in 2 min

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