Prevention of menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea)

Prevention of menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea)

Screening measures

A woman having her period should see a doctor for a pelvic smear exam twice within a year, and then at least every three years. Now is the time to talk about too heavy a period if this is the case. But of course, it is advisable to consult for this specific problem:

  • if the periods are very heavy, very painful, very frequent or accompanied by anemia, since puberty in a young girl or for a few weeks in an adult woman;
  • in front of unexplained and unusual symptoms (abdominal or pelvic pain, cycle disorders, pain during intercourse, signs of infection, etc.);
  • a cas de heavy or unusual bleeding, of recent appearance.

Basic preventive measures

Prevention of menorrhagia and unusual bleeding depends on the situation.

  • In women with menorrhagia since adolescence without an identified cause (long or more or less painful periods), menorrhagia can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) during the first 5 days of the cycle. Taking a contraceptive pill suppresses periods and replaces them with generally less profuse withdrawal bleeding. The intrauterine device (IUD) hormonal Mirena can be offered to very young women having very painful or heavy periods (sign of endometriosis). 
  • In women with recent menorrhagia after several months or years of normal menstruation, the cause of the bleeding should be investigated (see above) before offering treatment;
  • The users of copper intrauterine devices may have longer or heavier periods during the months following device insertion; treatment is taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) and iron (to prevent anemia);
  • The hormonal contraceptions (pill, injections, patch, vaginal ring, Mirena) can be accompanied by “spotting” (light and occasional bleeding, but sometimes repeated) which, if it is very frequent, justifies taking ibuprofen or a consultation to change contraception.


Prevention of menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea): understand everything in 2 min

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