Prevention of health in winter

Prevention of health in winter

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You should always monitor your health, and especially in cold weather. We have selected the most necessary procedures and the most useful tips for you.

Diagnostics of the body, which should be done depending on your age.

18 to 25 years old it is recommended to undergo a one-time comprehensive diagnostics of the whole organism (today it is customary to call it a capacious Western term “check-up”, and not the Soviet term “prophylactic medical examination”). Such a general examination will reveal a predisposition to disease or diagnose the first signs in the early stages of development. We are talking about cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrinological, gynecological disorders and oncology.


25 to 45 years old annual surveys will be relevant. The classic check-up includes: therapist, measurement of physical parameters, electrocardiogram, fluorography, spirometry, detailed blood and urine analysis, dentist, ophthalmologist. Additional examinations for women: PAP test for early detection of cervical cancer, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, mammography, computed tomography of bone thickness.

From the age of 45 more customized diagnostic programs are recommended to focus on specific aspects of prevention and treatment.

A luxurious smile in all 32 snow-white teeth is a sign not only of beauty, but also of careful personal care. If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the teeth can be safely called a reflection of the state of the whole organism as a whole. But even if nature has not endowed you with perfect teeth, this is fixable.

Like any branch of medicine, dentistry does not stand still. Advanced materials, medicines, new technologies are used to make the treatment process as effective, comfortable and, most importantly, high-quality as possible.

Gone are the days when only stars could afford a Hollywood smile.

Componeers are a new word in aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry. The Componeer system was developed in Switzerland in 2011. At this point in time, it is a reliable, efficient and proven technology. So what is a composer? This is a ready-made thin onlay that simulates tooth enamel. It is manufactured industrially from the most modern, highly aesthetic light-curing filling material, due to which the composer’s special strength and luster are provided. The composer plate is very thin and is only 0,3-0,7 mm, which makes it possible to exclude complex tooth processing and bring the restoration closer to its natural appearance and improve the color of the tooth.

Photo Shoot:
dentistry “Chechun and K”

Benefits of composers:

  • In one visit, you become the owner of a flawless snow-white smile.
  • You yourself, together with the doctor, using templates, can choose the shape and color of your future teeth.
  • Compositors can be used both to improve the appearance of one tooth and to restore the entire smile zone.

Today, you will be helped to find a “Hollywood smile” dental clinic “Chechun and K”, because here they understand that without progressive methods and modern technologies, treatment cannot be of high quality. The clinic’s specialists have been working with the Componeer system for several years. During this time, they have presented the beauty of a radiant smile to dozens of clients. Experienced professionals at the clinic know how to perfect your smile in just one visit to the dentist.

Photo Shoot:
dentistry “Chechun and K”

For their merits dentistry “Chechun and K” for the fourth time in a row she became the winner in the contests “Altai Fair” in the category “Best Service of the Year” and “For Achievements in the Field of Quality”.

Photo Shoot:
dentistry “Chechun and K”

Etc. Socialist, 69 (entrance from Chkalov street)

Тел.: 24-94-59, 8-903-996-10-25

There are contraindications. You need to consult a specialist

What problems in the intimate sphere do women have in winter?

If a woman from time to time suffers from gynecological diseases, inflammation, discomfort and discharge, then with the onset of cold weather these problems often return and intensify. There are several reasons for discomfort and even pain: reduced immunity, hypothermia, antibiotic treatment.

Photo Shoot:
Medical leech center “Unitech”

As a preventive You can use these basic tips: dress for the weather, strengthen the immune system, drink vitamins, do not wear tight tight pants and skinny jeans that impede blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Alas, a trip to hot countries may not work in the best way in terms of gynecology – a period of acclimatization and a change in diet cause exacerbation of subdued intimate problems. Caution should also be exercised by those couples who are planning to conceive a child in winter: a weakened immune system and colds can seriously complicate the course of early pregnancy.

Gynecologists recommend to give birth to the first child at the age of 20-25, and the subsequent ones – up to 35. However, the trend of recent years shows that this bar is still rising in the direction of increasing age for a primiparous woman.

Medical leech center “Unitech”

St. G. Isakov, 127, tel .: 40-80-37, 69-78-54

St. Ostrovsky, 43, tel. 54-78-72

Pharmacy: st. Ostrovsky, 43, tel. 54-71-99

More detailed information

There are contraindications. You need to consult a specialist

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