The process of cooking mushrooms in sweet and sour filling is practically no different from sour filling.

However, in the process of preparing sweet and sour filling, about 80 grams of sugar must be added for each liter of the above filling.

In the absence of sterilization of mushrooms, vinegar is taken in a 1: 1 ratio with water.

Milky juice is contained inside milk mushrooms and waves. Therefore, improper processing of such mushrooms can cause poisoning. Therefore, they can only be used after careful salting. The disappearance of a burning taste can be achieved after one and a half months of ripening canned food from salted mushrooms.

After salting, the mushrooms and milk mushrooms are laid out in a colander, the damaged mushrooms are removed, and then washed with cold water.

Then it is necessary to prepare jars with a volume of 0,5 liters, on the bottom of which 3 grains of bitter and allspice, bay leaf and, in fact, mushrooms are placed. After adding the latter, 2 tablespoons of 5% vinegar are poured into the jar.

It is necessary to fill the jars to a level one and a half centimeters below the level of the neck. If there is not enough liquid, you can add salty hot water (20 grams of salt for every liter of water). After filling, the jars are covered with lids, placed in a pot of water, the temperature of which is 40 0C, brought to a boil, and sterilized over low heat for about 60 minutes.

When sterilization is completed, the jars should be immediately sealed and refrigerated in a cold room.

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