The material you need
- Pumpkins
- A big knife
- A black marker
- A large spoon
- A plastic bag
Draw in black felt the shape of the eyes, nose and mouth that you want to give to your pumpkins.
To have some ideas, help you download models!
Then ask Mum or Dad to cut off the tops of your pumpkins, which they will later use as a hat.
Using a large spoon, empty the contents of each of your pumpkins by scraping the sides well and place them as you go in a plastic bag (so as not to get them everywhere). If it’s a little hard, don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Ask Mum or Dad to cut the eyes, nose and mouth of your pumpkins with a knife. They will each have a real personality! At nightfall, adults can stick a candle inside, to make them even more terrifying with their hats on their heads. They will not go unnoticed!
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