Pregnancy with twins: early signs, how to find out (belly, term, weight)

Twin pregnancy is characterized by a more complex process of its course. Women carrying two children are under the close supervision of a doctor throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Expectant mothers are prescribed special medications that make pregnancy easier and reduce the risk of miscarriage. Even in the early stages of pregnancy, features appear that indicate how to find out about such a pregnancy.

Multiple pregnancy is the development of 2 or more fetuses in the uterine cavity.

About multiple pregnancy

The frequency of detection of multiple pregnancy ranges from 1.5-2.5%. As a rule, pregnancy with 2 or more fetuses is increased in those couples where one or both parents were born in twins / triplets. This obstetric condition is most often transmitted through the female line. Recently, the frequency of multiple pregnancy has increased due to the active use of assisted reproduction methods. A certain contribution is also made by hormonal contraception, after the abolition of which, often 2 or more oocytes begin to mature in the ovary. Subsequently, they can potentially meet with 2 spermatozoa, which will lead to the development of dichorionic diamniotic twins.

Multiple pregnancy is a high-risk pregnancy and childbirth. Such a gestational process is associated with a significant number of complications during gestation and childbirth, and a more frequent need for a caesarean section. In the puerperal period, a previously overdistended uterus tends to shrink worse than after a singleton pregnancy. As a result, the frequency of infectious and inflammatory postpartum complications increases. The success of the course and timely completion of the gestational process depends, on the one hand, on the state of the mother’s body and the chorionicity of the twins, and on the other hand, on the professionalism of the doctors in charge of pregnancy and childbirth.

According to clinical guidelines, with multiple pregnancies, it is necessary to determine the degree of chorionality and amnionality. Let’s figure out what it is.

  • Chorion is the future placenta. The most favorable option is when each fetus has its own chorion. This structure provides nutrition to the growing organism and is responsible for metabolic processes.
  • The amnion is the fetal membrane that forms the amniotic sac. The latter inside is filled with amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid). If each fetus has its own amnion and its own placenta, then such a pregnancy has lower obstetric risks compared to monochorionic monoamniotic twins.

With multiple pregnancies, the frequency of planned ultrasound is an order of magnitude higher than with a singleton pregnancy. This is necessary for the early diagnosis of specific obstetric complications, which can occur only with 2 or more fetuses in the uterus. The number of screening ultrasounds depends on the chorionicity of the fetuses.

Features of twin pregnancy

There are two types of such pregnancies: monozygotic and double egg. Each type has its own characteristics, which are important to consider when carrying children.

Pregnancy with twins: early signs, how to find out (belly, term, weight)
Pregnancy with twins is a more complicated process than carrying one child. At this time, a woman may face health problems and needs close medical supervision.

There are two types of such pregnancy, each with its own characteristics:

  • One-egg type. After fertilization, the female egg is divided into equal parts. As a result, babies are born the same: they are of the same sex, very similar in appearance, they have similar characters, as well as the same tendencies to disease. This is due to the coincidence of the set of genes in the body of children.
  • Two-faced type. For this type of pregnancy to occur, it is necessary for a woman to have two eggs at the same time, which will be fertilized by sperm. Such children are not so similar to each other, they may have different character traits and a different set of genes.

The second type of pregnancy is more common and has different characteristics. With such a pregnancy, the sex of the children is usually different.


Manifestation of signs of pregnancy with twins

Signs of this pregnancy are:

  • Toxicosis manifests itself very early, often in the first days of the delay;
  • Dizziness;
  • The irritability is more severe and comes on early;
  • The possibility of detecting pregnancy with a test at the very beginning of the delay increases. The second strip may appear already in the first days;
  • The growth rate of the abdomen exceeds normal;
  • When donating blood for hCG, high rates are noted.
  • Weight gain is also rapid;

It is difficult to single out the characteristic features for such a pregnancy, since they largely coincide with the features of a normal pregnancy, but their main difference is their strong severity.

Such a pregnancy is more stressful for a woman’s body than usual.

Pregnancy with twins: early signs, how to find out (belly, term, weight)
The signs of such pregnancy are more acute than in girls who are carrying one child.

Of the common complications that arise in its process, the following are especially frequent:

  • Lung and heart problems. Due to the large increase in the uterus, the work of these organs deteriorates, so the pregnant woman should be under the close supervision of a specialist.
  • Shortness of breath. Due to the problems with the lungs and the heart, as well as the increase in weight, women experience severe shortness of breath, and it becomes more difficult for them to perform any activity.
  • Fatigue. It arises for the same reasons. Girls who are pregnant with twins often do not have the strength to do any housework or other activities.
  • There may also be problems with the excretory system of the body. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus, constipation and frequent urge to urinate may appear.

Due to such complications, the doctor under whose supervision the pregnant girl is located should be especially careful. Also, the expectant mother herself should monitor her condition.

Although it can be difficult to get pregnant with two children, with proper care, babies will be born healthy. Women carrying two children may have their own childbirth or have a cesarean section. Sometimes the second option is inevitable due to the incorrect position of the children in the womb or for other reasons. During pregnancy, a woman should take vitamins to help strengthen the immunity of her children, as well as reduce the risk of developing birth defects in them.

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