According to some couples, the best way to conceive a child is spontaneous sex. Others prefer to plan a suitable evening, create an atmosphere and prepare internally. For these couples, natural pregnancy planning methods will be useful. They can be helpful in determining the most appropriate moments when our body is more susceptible to becoming pregnant.
What are the best days for a woman to get pregnant? fertile days, which can be determined by calculating the day of ovulation. For this purpose, we can use a few simple methods such as keeping a calendar or measuring body temperature.
For many, this method is unreliable due to the influence of many factors that can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Thus, it is difficult for a woman to calculate the days of ovulation. If we have an elevated temperature or we are stressed, then the date of ovulation can only be determined in an approximate way, and not with the accuracy we care about.
Thermal method
In this method, the temperature should be taken every day at the same time and in the same place on the body. In order for the result to be accurate, it is worth buying an ovulation thermometer at the pharmacy, which shows the temperature with an accuracy of 1/100 degrees Celsius. This will allow you to accurately determine the rise and fall of the temperature. Of course, the results should be recorded and a graph should be made, thanks to which it will be possible to observe the increase and decrease of temperature. The fertile days are about three days before the temperature jump and about 3-4 days after it.
“The Mathematical Method”
If we do not want to resort to time-consuming methods, we can quickly calculate the fertile days. Just determine the day of ovulation – from the length of the monthly cycle, subtract 14.
Example: If our monthly cycle is 25 days, we subtract 14 from this number and the days of ovulation fall on the 11th day of the cycle. On the other hand, if the cycle lasts 28 days, then the day of ovulation will be on the 14th.
important: in the whole cycle, the fertile days do not fall only on this one day. They usually start about 5 days before ovulation and last until 3-4 days after its completion.
Please note that the presented method is not always accurate. The result may be affected by a change in diet, fatigue, stress, simple lack of sleep, a cold.
Ovulation symptoms
A woman’s body can also signal her fertile days by:
– so-called ovulation spotting. It is manifested by a small amount of blood in the mucus
— sore and tense breasts, nipples become more sensitive to the touch
– felt pain in the lower abdomen
Watching your body is very helpful when planning a baby. However, regardless of the results of our measurements, it is worth remembering the rule – the more often we make love, the greater the chances of getting pregnant. Therefore, in addition to having sex with your partner on designated days, you must remember to enjoy the moments together. Relaxation and relaxation will certainly have a positive effect on sexual satisfaction and fertility.