Poplar: description of the tree, types
The poplar tree grows in different parts of the world. In Russia, it is widely used for landscaping cities, parks, alleys, and poplars also grow along roads and on river banks. The plant has many varieties, with each species having individual characteristics.
General description of the poplar tree
This plant is a deciduous tree of the willow family. Its height ranges from 30 to 60 m, depending on the species. It has a powerful root system, which in most species is located close to the surface of the earth.
The poplar tree begins to bloom 10 years after planting.
A powerful and straight trunk reaches a diameter of 1 m. The gray bark eventually becomes covered with shallow cracks. Green leaves of various shapes and sizes grow along the smooth branches. From above they are shiny, and from below they are covered with a light down.
The tree crown can be ovoid, pyramidal, or tent-like. As a rule, it is thick and wide. During the flowering period, in late spring, long inflorescences are formed from the buds in the form of red or yellow earrings.
You can observe the beauty of poplar for 80 years, and some species live for more than a century.
Characteristics of certain types of poplar tree
In the world around, there are more than 100 species of poplar. In Russia, you can most often see the following poplars:
- “Fragrant”. A tree with a wide oval crown grows up to 20 m in height. Smooth branches of a young plant are green in color, but with age they darken and become covered with cracks. The leaves are light green on one side and gray on the other. They are oval in shape, pointed, jagged at the edges. The length of the inflorescences is not more than 7 cm. In Siberia, a tree can live for 200 years, and in urban conditions about 35;
- “Laurel” poplar reaches a height of 20 m, and the diameter of the gray trunk is 1 m. The root system is located deep in the ground. This species is characterized by large, narrowed oval leaves. In June, long white inflorescences covered with yellow pollen can be seen on the branches;
- “Pyramidal” is notable for its durability, it lives for about 300 years. The height of the poplar is 40 m, its crown is narrow, elongated. The leaves are triangular, narrowed, dark green. Small flowers form burgundy or light beige inflorescences;
- “Black poplar” or “Osokor” grows up to 35 m. It can exist for 3 centuries. This species is characterized by a spreading crown, a powerful dark trunk. Tough and large leaves of a triangular or diamond-shaped shape grow on the branches. In late spring, burgundy and yellow inflorescences are formed.
In addition to the species presented in nature, there are many others that grow in different countries and continents.
Poplar is a powerful tree that is distinguished by its diversity and attractive appearance.